TMIS (Too Many Ideas Syndrome)

TMIS (Too Many Ideas Syndrome)

A Story by ♥ Kinnixk

Yeah, I had this for a while. So I decided to write about it, just to write xD


 Blank paper.

 A writer’s worst enemy.

Oh, how it mocks me.

   It sits there blinking blue lines, waiting and watching. My mind is overthrown with ideas, each one clear and unclear, distant and near, pushing and shoving to be written down, merging together into each other, wanting to express themselves. The pencil next to the paper shudders and sighs as if it also wanted to write. My fingers clench into a fist and then relax again. My eyes wander back and forth.

  Grasp the pencil. To my hand.

Make words! To the pencil.

Write!! I scream at the paper.

  The hand obeys and the pencil obeys. Both hover over the blank sheet yet it does not move. The words untold do not make sense, do not emerge, and cannot be expressed correctly into the puzzle that is the story. The story is written in thoughts yet the paper mocks and the right words will not come.

  I slam the pencil down again.

The paper has won the battle again

  but it will not see the end of war.


© 2013 ♥ Kinnixk

Author's Note

♥ Kinnixk
Reviews are lovely :)

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Suffering from this lately - Thanks for another great read, Kinnix!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is wonderful. I like this. This is sick. :3 Love it. Keep writing, you are really good.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I think I have TMIS. I should talk to my psychiatrist about it. Great poem. :D

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

♥ Kinnixk

11 Years Ago

lol thank you :)

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3 Reviews
Added on May 20, 2013
Last Updated on May 23, 2013
Tags: TMIS


♥ Kinnixk
♥ Kinnixk

Hello :) Enjoy your stay at my profile and feel free to message me~ **Currently my writings are ON HOLD as I work though a couple things life has thrown at me. Read requests are still open, and I .. more..

Ghost Ghost

A Story by ♥ Kinnixk


A Story by ♥ Kinnixk