Wandering Soul

Wandering Soul

A Story by Kissy

A story about death and the reaper.


It stalks me in the night, coaxing me into its world of walking shadow. Why

doesn't it let me be? Why does it want me to join its lifeless stalking of souls?

I hide my head under the covers willing this monster to disappear. Every night

it comes, enticing me to leave, into the night where souls walk, wandering the

night, looking for peace, looking for the way to their final home. Then one night

I brought my head up from the covers, curious, I see it at the foot of my bed. With-

out a face, or body, just shadow. It reaches out its hand to me and I take it. It takes

me to its world. A world of sorrow and grief, a world of pain and desperation. My

nightmars come true, I gambled my life, and lost. Now I am here in this hell. I walk

looking for peace, for this pain to end. For my final home.

© 2009 Kissy

Author's Note

I write exactly how I feel. I felt pretty bad when I wrote this. I think it's easier to write when you
feel so sad.

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Added on June 30, 2009



Pt Pleasant, WV

I live in Pt Pleasant WV. I attend school at Marshall Community & Technical College. I am currently a Sophomore majoring in Radiology Technology. I love to read, watch movies, listen to music, and of .. more..

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