Arise Caleb Curd

Arise Caleb Curd

A Story by Kornez

Caleb rises one last time, to fight a menace that is close to home.


Arise Caleb Curd

By Kornez

In the darkness of a dimly lit room, in the midst of a quiet wind outside, stood at the table inside the room, stairing straight, a few soldiers, waiting. In came the commanding officer decorated in medals of service to his country. They saluted, then he looked down at the table then put his hands on it. He was quiet for a while then he sstared at his soldiers.

Gentlemen, as you well know, we have lost a very valuable officer ten years ago, and there is no one like him, so his place will be hard to climb, as you know.” Said he.

The soldiers just sollemly nodded.

But I've been told there is one, that can replace that soldier, one that has fought with him and been at his side, his name, is Caleb Curd,” Said the officer.

The soldiers muttered to themselves.

I know boys, I know, why that useless drunk? I'll tell you why, because he has the best robot and he might be the only one who can lead us out of this war,” Said the officer.

Ever since the end of the war against Zolark a question had risen, are robots threats or aids?

Actually to be honest that question had been hanging out since the first war. After the war against Zolark an academy was established, to give knowledge of robts and pilots a fair balance. Phil and I attended, we'd have silly talk shows after words and we'd laugh about all kinds of things. For a while it went well, then Phil simply disappeared. On the heels of his disappearence was the loss of my career. I was told that, since I had been Phil's buddy in arms, that I was discharged till needed otherwise. I was told that I was forbidden to contact Phil, but he contacted me in secret through small word collumns. I always wondered what happened, but Phil never told me. Thus I fell from being a honorable soldier, to being a wretched mess. And what a mess I was.

I can't see anything save the bottle infront of me. The dim light is feeble and weak so forget trying to see anything else. A door opens and I can vaguly see two soldeir boots standing infront of me.

I never thought I'd have to come here,” Said a voice.

Go away,” I groaned.

It's so sad to stare Caleb, but enough lectures from me, I'm here on orders,” Said the voice.

I'm retired, shove that down your commanding officers throat,” Said I.

My commanding officer told me to tell you, that your needed,” Said the voice.

Tell him to go die in a fire,” Said I raising a bottle to my lips.

It was whacked away.

A hand siezed my collar and pulled me up the the strangers face.

I reconized the face rather quickly in my drunken state.

Edward, my, my, you've gotten tough,” Said I.

You stink horribly, go get claned up and don't argue, if you do, I'll clean you myself,” Said Edward.

He dropped me.

I had a hard time standing on my feet. I slowly moved to the bathroom which was a disgusting mess. I felt Howard standing behind me.

This won't do,” He said with a disgusted snarl.

He helped me to his truck and soon we stood in a cleaner place.

If I didn't have orders to bring you alive, I'd kill you on the spot,” Said Edward.

I cleaned myself up, shaved and came out looking swell.

Edward brightened when he saw me.

Ah, there's the Caleb I know,” Said he.

I could use a drink,” Said I.

Nope, from this day forward you shall not touch a glass ever under my watch,” Said Edward.

All of the sudden my insides bucked and I barffed all over Edwards boots.

Sorry,” Said I.

We still have a lot of work to do,” Said Edward trying not to look at his shoes.

Soon I was standing in the old familure briefing room. Edward's commanding officer came in.

'What happened to your boots son?” He asked.

Long story,” Replied Edward.

I still felt like all of my insides were gonna end up on the table in front of me, just seeing the familure officer that discharged me standing next to the other made me want to puke.

You look awful Mr.Curd,” Said Edward's commanding officer.

After years of disgrace and lies, yeah, a lot can change a man,” Said I.

I am General Ford, the other is Admeral Stelmvinch, whom you already know,” Said General Ford.

How could I not forget?” I asked with a snarl.

If your a wreck Mr.Curd, I can only imagine what your robot looks like,” Said Stelmvinch crossing his arms.

I have no respect for that man and I never will, he doesn't deserve his place as an Admeral.

You can go die in a fire,” Said I.

I'm not here to discuss your bitterness against me, Mr.Curd,” Said Stelmvinch.

Step any closer and I'll show you what I think of you Stelmvinch,” Said I.

That's Admeral to you,” Said Stelmvinch.

P***y pants,” Said I.

Stelmvinch leaned forward.

And Phil wouldn't like the way you've become either, he'd be disappointed,” Said he.

That's the last straw. I probably would have killed him if Edward hadn't held me back.

No Caleb, save your strength for the war outside!” Edward shouted.

I pulled myself out of Edwards grip then stood straight. I turned to the General, trying to hide my fury.

What do you want?” I asked.

Mr.Curd, get your robot and get it cleaned up, Dizen will come by and help you out,” Said General Ford.

I opened the large gurage beside my place. My robot was covered in dust, weeds and bug nests and bird goo.

Can you forgive me, for not coming sooner, it's been a while,” I whispered.

A large truck drove up and Dizen stepped out. He adjusted his glasses with his cyboarg arm and stared at me.

Not a good day, is it?” He asked.

Never was, Dizen,” I replied.

Guess I have my work cut out for me, Caleb,” Said Dizen with a small smile.

We hauled the robot outside then started cleaning. It took three days. When we finished it looked almost new save it's armor which was severely out dated.

I remember that armor, the first we ever made,” Said Dizen smiling.

It's probably still durable,” Said I.

Yup, now get in, walk it to my workshop,” Said Dizen.

I should have told you in the beginning what happened to my workshop. It was torn down, because of my dischage. Basically I lost everything after they threw me out, save my robot. Dizen's workshop was incredible. Mec after Mec, robot after robot stood in line all being fixed up, painted, repaired or upgraded or refitted.

So, where's Zilshen?” I asked.

You don't remember that he died, do you?” Asked Dizen quietly.

Oh yes, I do remember. Just a year after Phil vanished Zilshen died of Cancer, it was in his head. Dizen inherited everything, this workshop became his home.

I'm sorry,” Said I.

You've been gone a while Caleb, you forget things,” Said Dizen.

I don't forget, I ignore,” Said I.

Dizen put my robot on a work stand and started measurements. He then ran diagnostics on it. Then he used a robot crane, to test the robots armor.

It's loose, the holdings must be rusted and cracked,” Said Dizen.

Can you fix it?” I asked.

Certainly,” Said dizen.

Two arms grabbed the armor and wrenched it off.

Hmm, looks like we'll have to replace the whole torso and chest,” Said Dizen.

Do what you have to,” Said I.

Dizen pressed a few buttons and two arms grabbed the head and swrewed it off, then the arms were gently pulled out. The legs were pulled out then the chest was turned up to where the head was placed in front of us. He turned to me.

This'll be a while,” Said he.

I was led to a sitting room, in the middle was two chairs and chess board. He sat in one seat and I sat in the other. He moved a piece, then I moved a piece. We did this for a while in silence.

Then a bell rang.

Scuse me,” Said Dizen standing.

His cyboarg arm, at the hand switched to a larg wrench. He walked into my robots chest and vanished for a moment. He returned a while later with a hammer instead of a wrench. He raised it, then let it fall. There was a loud clang noise. He did this for a while with concentrated effort. I sat back in my chair. Edward and Dizen didn't have to help me, they could have left me in the place I was, a drunken wretch. I would have deserved it also, it would be a worthy punishment for my stupidity. Dizen's footsetps broke my thoughts.

It's ready,” Said he.

I stared at Dizen, he was all sweaty and one of his lenses in his glasses was broken.

Thank you Dizen, you didn't have to do this,” Said I.

I know, call it a return favor,” Said Dizen smiling.

I walked by him and up the walkway. I was quite taken by surprise at the look of my robot. It was entirely white and looked like it just got refurbished. In one saying, it looked completely new.

Take it out for a ride Caleb,” Said Dizen.

How can I ever repay you?” I asked.

By taking it out for a spin, that's how,” Dizen answered.

I sat in the old familure cockpit. Man I wish Dizen put a instruction manul on this thing, I've forgotten how to drive it!

I slowly pressed buttons and my robot wirred to life. I slowly walked out, I felt siff, or maybe it was my robot. All of the sudden the robot broke into a run and crashed into a wall.

Caleb, you alright?!” I heard Dizen shoult into my headset.

Hey, that still works, I'm good Dizen, I'm just remembering the controlls,” I replied.

Oh, your kidding right?” Dizen asked with a laugh.

Not really,” Said I.

I can't believe this,” Dizen laughed.

I stepped back in my mec and turend.

Well, it's a bit stiff but sure,” Said I.

Alright, I'll grease it, then practice some more,” Said Dizen.

Where are you anyway?” I asked.

Behind you,” Said Dizen.

What I turned to was a robot with a lobster claw and a wrench.

I started laughing.

What?” Dizen asked.

Your robot looks rediculous,” Said I.

The robot snapped it's claw in protest.

I couldn't stop laughing, it was just too funny.

Alright you goof, let me grease you,” Said Dizen.

The robots wrench switched to a small oil can. The nozzle went under my robots arms, in the shoulder blades, knees and other places.

Now, move around,” Said Dizen.

It was a bit better.

Still stiff, but the grease works,” Said I.

Alright, I'll do the diagus later,” Said Dizen.

The what?” I asked.

You'll see,” Said Dizen.

The diagus was a giant loosening machine designed to make your robts joints move better by moving them it'self. IT would take four amrs and move the arms and legs till not a squeak was heard and the stiffness disappeared. For my robot, it took a week.

Well, my robot is as good as new,” Said I.

One more thing,” Said Dizen.

A sword came down by crane.

A new sword, made it myself,” Said Dizen.

Thanks,” Said I.

Yeah, now go and end this war,” Said Dizen.

If I can,” Said I.

At the breifing was General Ford.

Alright Mr.Curd, this is what's happening, we have a thrust going on in the east, I want you to go there and prove yourself, then I'll put you in command as a captain, alright?” He said.

Sir, yes sir, and call me Caleb,” Said I.

I marched my robot east. It didn't look good when I arrived. There were serious casualties on both sides. I took my gun and opened fire on the enemy. They fired back but to no avail, I had the advantage of surprise. Soon they retreated and my allies wooped with joy.

Bravo out there Caleb,” Said General Ford smiling.

Just as I promised your promoted to captain, you'll answer to no one save myself,” Said General Ford.

I imagined that for a moment with a small grin.

Yes Caleb, that means Stelmvinch can't hoot in your ear,” Said General Ford.

Did I hear that someone got promoted?” Stelmvinch asked appearing.

Yes, I did,” Said I.

Well, well, what did you do to earn that?” Asked Stelmvinch.

I walked up to the moron.

When this war is over, I'm gonna punch you in the face,” Said I.

Why don't you do it now?” Stelmvinch asked.

Soon,” Said I.

Is there anything else you can do for my robot?” I asked Dizen later at his workshop.

I could tweak it a bit, you know, give it a better comm system, a better raydar, that kind of gyst,” Replied Dizen.

Alright, do what you can,” Said I.

When I returned to the breifing room I found General Ford by himself.

What's up?” I asked.

We might not win this war Caleb,” Said General Ford.

Why not?” I asked.

Too many casualties, too many dead, I can't stand it much longer,” General Ford replied.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

I'll go General, I'll go and turn this war in our favor,” Said I.

I had no idea how I was going to do that. The war front was a charred landscape of flames and downed robots. The commander of the operation was a talented strategist, but wasn't good at mobilizing.

That's where I came in.

I'll do the mobilizing , you just plan,” Said I.

I didn't have a plan, only the insentive to somehow end this war. I gathered what was left of the army, a tired six hundred. It wasn't enough, but it would do. With sword in hand and gun in the other I led them, somehow hoping I wouldn't die first. Meanwhile General Ford stood at the electric map, watching the battle.

You seriously believe he'll win this?” Stelmvinch asked appearing.

I don't believe anything yet,” Replied General Ford.

But you let him go out there, did you think that was a good idea?” Stelmvinch asked.

So far,” Replied General Ford.

Stelmvinch lit a ciguar.

Sometimes Ford, I wish you'd doubt the kid, just think about it, you hired a drunk to serve your army, not a war hero,” Said Stelmvinch.

A puff of smoke floated from his lips.

Ford stared at the map, still watching.

Your not listening, are you?” Stelmvinch asked quietly.

I heard you, but Caleb Curd was once a war hero, he can be again,” Said General Ford turning to face Stelmvinch.

Stelmvinch let another puff of smoke out into the air.

You may be my superior Stelmvinch, but with all due respect, you have no right to sass me about my choices of troops,” Growled General Ford.

You forget your place, General,” Stelmvinch said.

Caleb Curd is more honorable than you,” Said General Ford.

Stelmvinch froze.

Say that again?” He growled.

General Ford stood straight with almost a smile breaking on his worn out face. His eyes gleamed with hope.

I said, Caleb Curd is more honorable than you,” Replied General Ford.

Stelmvinch snalred but then chuckled, a smile slowly appeared.

Furthermore he's been in the field for quite a time longer than you have,” Said General Ford.

A scowel replaced the smile on Stelmvinches face.

You really think so?” Stelmvinch growled.

I know it, and to be brash, he isn't selfish and power hungry like you yourself,” Said General Ford.

He's a disgrace!” Roared Stelmvinch.

On no, Admeral, your the disgrace, he's a hero,” Said General Ford.

The ciguar fell to the floor.

After all I've done, I'm the disgrace?” Stelmvinch yelled.

Just answer me this, when's the last time you sacrificed everything for someone and not yourself, you name me one time, and I'll take back what I said,” Said General Ford.

Stelmvinch found that he couldn't answer that, for he was a self centered man and under all that, a murderor.

I see, that's why Caleb's more honorable,” Said General Ford when Stelmvinch didn't replied.

Stelmvinch just stared at the table, trying to contain the laughter that roared through his veins.

What's so funny?” General Ford asked.

Oh, nothing,” Replied Stelmvinch.

General Ford realized the real monster inside Stelmvinch was breaking out of it's shell.

Just that, you've served for quite a long time, haven't you Ford?” Stelmvinch asked quietly.

Ford peered into the darkness where Stelmvinch stood, hunched over with his hands limp on his sides.

Well, allow me to give you a permanent retirement!” Shrieked Stelmvinch whipping out his gun.

He fired once.

Fored flew back into a wall and slumped to the floor.

We'll see who's more honorable and experenced in battle,” Growled Stelmvinch.

Meanwhile at the battlefront.

I pushed over a robot I had just destroyed then looked for another. Of the six hundred I had, three hundred twenty two were left. But the battle still raged. I shot a robot in the face then decapitated another. Another jumped at me and we tussled for a while. Meanwhile at the communication room. Stelmvinch was turning a frequency nob, trying to find the battle front. Then he heard my voice.

Ah, there's the crinimal,” Stelmvinch said smiling.

Caleb, we're going to pull back, there's too many!” A voice shouted.

Just shut up and fight!” My voice shouted on the comms.

Somehow my toops had reduced to one hundred and twelve in under six minutes.

Caleb Curd to headquarters, requesting back up,” Said I.

Belay that order,” A all too familure voice said.

Stelmvinch where's Ford?” I growled.

Not feeling too well, I'm afraid,” Replied Stelmvinch.

Stelmvinch if we're going to survive out here, I suggest reinforcements,” Said I.

Oh, well, you see Caleb, I don't WANT you to survive,” Chuckled Stelmvinch.

Look, up on the hill!” A soldier shouted.

Some white robots stood as if watching on a hill beside us. I suspected the one in front of them, which was a thin but strong and well armored robot to be the leader. They charged down and started fighting both sides. I found the leader, for he landed in front of me. His sword clashed with mine.

Steady soldier, I'm not the enemy,” Said I.

The robots head turned as if it reconized my voice.

Caleb, what are you doing here?” An all too familure voice spoke on my comms.

A tear fell from my eye.

Looking for you, Phil,” Said I.

I see, looks like I've got some explaining to do,” Said Phil.

Yeah, where'd you go?” I asked.

Well, you se Caleb, straight after our very last talk show together, after you left, I lost my temper to a fellow soldier who was striving to be a judge, as punishment, I was thrown out of the academy,” Said Phil.

And you never told me,” Said I.

How could I, the little messages and trinkets of adventure I'd send you were dangerous enough, since I wasn't allowed to speak to anyone involved in the academy, only finish schooling there,” Said Phil.

You took risks, for me,” Said I.

Yes, I did, I was gambling my future and education by e-mailing you and it certainly was a gamble, it still is,” Said Phil.

I think I understand now,” Said I.

It pained me that I couldn't tell you, but now that I have, I know that I have jepordized myself,” Ssaid Phil.

Why?” I asked.

It'll be all over for me Caleb Curd, if you hae told anyone and if you do tell anyone about my correspondence with you,” Phil replied.

Well, I'm glad your back,” Said I.

I can't go back to the academy with you Caleb, they'll kill me before I even step forward into it,” Said Phil.

He turned and stared at me.

Make the choice now Caleb, what will you do, now that you know?”Phil asked.

Now that was a question I had to contemplate.

What's the situation anyway?” Phil asked.

We're loosing,” Said I.

Really? Probably because you don't have my raiders,” Said Phil.

He turned.

Fellahs, turn around and help these soldiers!” Phil shouted.

Is Caleb dead yet?” Stelmvinch growled.

Who's that?” Phil asked.

Stelmvinch, he killed General Ford,” I replied.

We'll deal with him later, for now, let's end this silly war,” Said Phil.

Meanwhile Stelmvinch was grinning widely in the communications room.

The crinimal and the outcast, this has to be my lucky day,” Said he.

Phil and I, just like old times, I almost thought I was dreaming, but I knew I wasn't, Phil was there and he was real. And he was fighting at my side.

There! Close the mountain!” Phil shouted pointing.

We had pushed the army to a hole in the mountain where they swarmed out of.

Caleb, we have to seal that!” Phil shouted.

Okay, how?” I asked.

How else, the same way they got out, blowing it up,” Said Phil.

Alright, I'll shoot the rock face,” Said I.

I fired at the top of the hole just as Phil took out the last of the robots. Th rocks caved in and blocked up the hole.

You are a natural,” Said Phil to me.

I couldn't help but grin. We walked back to base, hoping for a warm welcome, what we found was the opposite. Every single robot Phil and I had was dead and standing in the middle was a large goliath robot with two swords. It also had six legs.

What, is that?” Phil gasped.

Me, who else?” Stelmvinch laughed.

You did this?!” I roared.

How about, yes,” Replied Stelmvinch.

This gives us all the more reason to kill you,” Said Phil.

Hey Phil,” Said I.

Yeah?” Said Phil.

I've figured it out, niether humans nor robots are dangerous, what's dangerous is the greed that drives those to destroy everything,” Said I.

I see,” Said Phil.

We both turned to face the villian.

Let's finish him, together,” Said I.

Your the man Caleb,” Said Phil.

We shot at Stelmvinch who broke into laughter. Another arm shot out and stopped us in our tracks.

Gravity, impressive right?” He laughed.

He threw Phil and I into the hillside.

I've waited so, so, long for this day,” Said Stelmvinch.

I got up and charged at him, but he tossed me into the dirt with his gravity arm.

So this is the great Caleb curd huh, seems rather clumsy to me,” Saaid Stelmvinch.

I got up and charged again, he simply grabbed me and slammed my bot into the dirt. He picked me up and did it again, and again, while laughing. He threw me into the side of a mountain.

Caleb!” Phil shouted.

Oh shut up!” Stelmvinch shouted tossing Phil's robot back into the hills.

What a useless man you are Caleb, you can't even touch me,” Said Stelmvinch.

He's right, I can't eat him,” I thought.

Give up caleb, you've lost,” Said Stelmvinch.

Yes, I should Give up,” I thought.

Caleb, what are you fighting for?” A voice whispered in my ear.

I don't know,” I whispered back.

Yes you do, don't let that devil destroy your mind, think Caleb!” The voice whispered.

Ugh, it's so hard to,” I groaned.

Think Caleb, who are you?” The voice hissed.

I'm...I'm Caleb Cured, a fighter.....a hero,” I replied.

That's right, keep going,” The voice encouraged.

I realized my robot was the one talking to me.

I wouldn't give up, never,” Said I.

I looked up with new determination.

I.......I can win.....I....I WILL Win!”

I slowly stood.

For I....AM Caleb Curd!” I yelled.

I punched Stelmvinches bot in the face.

Didn't I tell you Stelmvinch, that I would punch you in the face when the war was over? I've decided to do more than that, I'm going to tear you apart piece by piece!” I shouted.

I'd like to see you try!” Stelmvinch roared.

I hit him again.

He picked me up with that gravity arm and threw me. I knew I wouldn't last if I didn't blow off that arm. I picked up a nearby gun and fired. He realized and charged at me. I fired again and again. The arm flew off. He landed on me and I had his two arms in a lock. We both stared at each other, growling like animals.

Which would win?

Caleb's spirit?

Or Stelmvinches greed?

I screamed in effort as I pulled out another one of Stelmvinches arms.

He pinned one of my arms back with one of his legs.

Get, off!” I grunted throwing him off me.

I jumped on him this time. We rolled around. I kicked one of his legs, smashing it in. I saw Phil's bot, it was crawling toward us. Stelmvinch impaled one of his legs into my arm, I screamed in pain.

I punched him.

I took out my sword and started stlashing at him. He was quite nimble for his size and skittered around me and stabbed my back with his leg. I fell down and he pinned me to the ground.

If you move up, my leg goes down, into your spine,” Said Stelmvinch.

You forgot someone,” Said Phil.

He jumped on Stelmvinch pulling him backwards. I stood slowly, it was right then, that I realized I wouldn't live through this battle, I laready lost a lot of blood. Stelmvinch threw Phil off of him.

I charged and impaled stelmvinch with my sword. He threw me off and pulled the sword out of himself. I picked up a gun and with what was left of my strength, fired. He charged at me. I fired and kept fireing till he couldn't move, then he started crawling. I friend at his head till there was nothing left. I collapsed. Phil crawled up to me.

Now we wait,” Phil whispered.

For what?” I whispered back.

The rescue team, of course,” Phil said.

Phil, I'm not going to kame it to the rescue team,” Said I.

What? Don't kid like that Caleb,” Said Phil.

I'm not.” Said I.

The last thing I think I ever saw was the rescue helocopters landing nearby.

Phil survived and had all three recordings of Calebs rise.

On Caleb's grave, was this:

Caleb Curd.

Rank: General of the army. [Higher than Admeral]

Died in the midst of battle for his God and country. Great friend, heroic and honorable soldier. May you play with robots in peace.

The end.

© 2016 Kornez

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Added on July 30, 2016
Last Updated on July 30, 2016
Tags: guns, robots, epicness



Greer, SC

Please read my stuff! One way Kornez is inspired to write is by the communication of others. So therefore he has decided to give you an idea of what he'd like to see when you review his stuff. .. more..

Caleb Caleb

A Story by Kornez