How To Find The Maid Of Your Dreams

How To Find The Maid Of Your Dreams

A Story by KRosa

Do you know the Do's and Dont's when your maid is in your home? In my experience with several maid cleaning companies has helped me shape this article. I have put together a list of five simple principles to do and don't do while your maids are cleaning your home, some of these might seem like common sense, but it surprised me to hear the way some of my friends reacted to this article. I could swear that I heard a light bulb click on, a golden rule I always keep in mind is that I treat my maids as my equal, they are in my home making an honest dollar just like I do when I go to work.

Lets start with a Do. Do pick up the floor before your maid arrives, why? Well you will get a lot more cleaned if they are not picking up toys and your clothes. If you only have your housekeeper for a limited time a clean floor will save them anywhere from 15-20 minutes, giving them that time to spend on a more important project, like that pesky black mold on your shower doors.

Next is another Do. Do wash your own dishes, and keep the sink clear, again this will give your maids more time to focus on other things, also it keeps the maids from spending too much time trying to scrub food off your plates that have been there for a while. If you can't wash your own dishes at least fill up the sink with hot soapy water and leave your dishes to soak before the ladies arrive. Also be specific about if you want them to just load up the dishwasher or wash them by hand.

Lets start with the Don’ts now. Dont be in the way of your maids, if it's not an emergency then stay out-of-the-way. Unless it's the first time with the cleaning crew they don't need a cleaning buddy right beside them or even worse, creating more work for them by being in the kitchen fixing yourself a sandwich. I go outside and work in my garden while my cleaning crew is in my home, do not have friends over and lounge in the living room while your maid service is trying to vacuüm the floor, once again this burns up valuable time they could be cleaning instead if cleaning around you.

Here is kind of do and don't in one, I have exchanged friendly hello with my maids but I don't get involved in their personal lives and I don't invite them into mine, as their "employers" we need to be cordial to our housekeepers and never ever be rude, but I feel that on both ends it is appreciated that we do not keep them distracted too long with what trip were taking next or what new diet we're on. The cleaning women most likely don't have the means that you do and quite frankly could care less about your new diamond earrings or the trips to other countries you and your family go on every year.

Wrapping up this article on a positive note with a do. Do be specific when it comes to what you want done to your home, no sense in them changing your sheets when you just changed them, right? It keeps everyone on the same page when you let your maid cleaning service know ahead of time what you would and would not like done. I send an email of what i want done and I don't have any problem with my weekly service.

© 2013 KRosa

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Added on December 13, 2013
Last Updated on December 13, 2013