Yet to come

Yet to come

A Story by Katy

Relocted new town

" I could sure use a glass of water" Stevie said after she put down another box. "Sounds good ill get it". Came Audrey's reply. Stevie and Audrey have been friends for about four years now. Stevie was giving Audrey a helping hand unloading boxes out of the truck. Times for Audrey have changed. She is no longer living with her husband.

For Stevie this was the least she could do. Helping her close friend move after all she went through to get here.Audrey has finally been freed from the awful situation she was in. The ladies drank their refreshments and rested. "Just the television and the vacuum cleaner and we are done. "Thanks so much for the help" Audrey was always asking Stevie for help. "too bad you aren't going to be my neighbor anymore". Stevie was worried because she knew that later that evening she was going to be leaving Audrey to herself.
So with the unloading finished. The two fast friends forever said their goodbyes. No tears for now those come later. Audrey did deserve a better life after what she just came out of. Her new residence was something she always hoped for. This was a new beginning. One without her husband

Audrey loved wade but he was in love with himself. So much do that he thought he was intitled to one separate life with me and one wth anothere. His sloppy behavior gave him away. Its almost impossible to be sharing your life with someone else and keep it secret for ever

Living in the trailer her husbands boss owned was a nightmare. Everybody knew about Wades other home with his other girl but would laugh at Audrey when she mentioned it. After a. While of Wade cheating lieing about it then saying she was crazy to think it Audrey took a stand for herself. "If I am not going to be true to myself and act on what I believe ill be shrunk down to nothing" Audrey would say to herself.

In her new apartment she could make the rules. No more knowing that when Wade said one thing he was doing another. By following her instincts she was able to uncover and expose enough clues to convince hefself that he was cheating. She had to make this decision by going only on what litte she could see. Missed placed key things in his truck he didn't mention to he bought. When Audrey got her chance she was gone.

Her options were practily none while living under Wade's roof. The daily anguish and pure angst gave her the motivation to leave. Wade was the one who actually got her out of there. One day he came in said that's it were moving.. I thought ok good. Obviously be had a fight with Tabby. So off we went to a different town. Her misery was coming to an end.

Wait a minute Not so fast Aludrey bad been brainwashed her gas lighted her. He manipulate every minute of her life. made her react just the way6 he needed her to
So he could do what he wanted to do. He never admitted it all was true. To this day he still denies it.

Audrey had do much more work to do and not just opening boxes. Her real work was only beginning to develop.. Her fragile mind couldn't take everything. In she just knew she she wouldn't be a part of his sick twisted coercion. All of the truth came flooding in at once How could she have not known. Think about all the times he said he was doing this but really doing that.

Audreys move saved her life. When Wade took her from that trailer they were living in she found a new voice a more confident. Voice. Am I can really do it voice. She did get a job a place to live. Only thing is she still hasn't dealt with all her fear and paranoia. Just couldn't stop reacting to his behaviour even though they've been separated for three years.

So today She is moving boxes again only this time to a storage. The move for her is yo a homeless. Shelter maybe now She can get the discussion she needs to have with a good listening ear. All of this time after leaving wade she hasn't grown I her social skils. She can't trust anybody so she can't make friends. Het apartment is in the center of the drug population. The two of those don't mix well with Audrey.

It will take some time but this time she's in no hurry to prove she can do it. She will need some addiction counseling and some corrective thinking therapy.The voices of all the people and Wade that were deciebing her still play in her head. She sits alone in her apartment all the time. Maybe being in a community with some resources she will l really be able to get past the past

The effort was sometimes unbearable no sleep no company. No one to cook for. Her life had to be rebuilt from scratch. Soon enough the shock if his betrayal started to wane. Each day she got better. Still no divorce. She can't reach his new number and he can't reach her.

© 2019 Katy

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Added on May 18, 2019
Last Updated on May 18, 2019
Tags: Neighbors



Joplin, MO

I live in Missouri. I enjoy gardening and bicycle riding more..

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