Time is a Thief !

Time is a Thief !

A Poem by KurKota

Reflection upon aging

Once life was, dreams bright and distant
What will be ...was as a star afar
Nothing from the past was much lent
It all was now and as bright as winter star
Then life flowed away as a river deep and swift
Washing forgotten plans along with its swift flow
Had I waded in those waters of dreams with thrift
Little knowing how fast they would go, not slow
But passing of life and the trail of time
Swiftly bade my dreams farewell, the stars did fade
The conquered battles became further and sublime
Many left untouched, some forgot, but few stayed
Now as the body weakens from years of tribulations
The mind slows its pace in creation of new dreams
Each day brings demands of body, with new stipulations
Age dims the enthusiasm of hope, and with resignation it teems

© 2019 KurKota

Author's Note

A moment of reflection upon aging

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I feel like life goes faster as we age. This is a very well written write.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

Thank you for reading it, and your kind comment. I appreciate it. I am glad you may have found a mom.. read more

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1 Review
Added on December 2, 2019
Last Updated on December 2, 2019
Tags: Aging, Regret, Time passing



If you read any of my submitted writings here, you will create your own mental image of who I am, and for here that is likely enough. I am educated by a University, however, I learn mostly from lif.. more..

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