Amber Sky

Amber Sky

A Story by Kwcmcmahon

Tom is lost on an alien world and just trying to stay alive




My eyes open, all I can see is an amber blur. Am I on my back? I can’t think straight, can’t focus my thoughts. I’m so tired. I feel pain all over, pulsing. I’ll just close my eyes again and sleep, just for a moment.






I’m awake, I think. Still that haze of amber; amber sky? I can see a faint, dark shadow in the blur of my visor. Wait! I have my helmet on? Where am I? My mind is suddenly racing.

Every ache and pain, every fear of the unknown comes rushing into my skull and pounds behind my eyes. I try to reach for my wrist computer screen, it must be there, why else would my helmet be on if not the rest of my suit? Pain wracks my arm like a thousand stabbing knives forcing me to stop when I move. I almost lose consciousness again.

Numbness takes over. Amber; Those flecks like trapped blades of grass, her pupil the creature trapped in time. Dead centre. No, I need to stay focused! As clarity returns so does every pulse, every tremble resonating through me. I reach for my wrist screen again, teeth gritted against the pain. My arm must be broken, this time at least I know what to expect. I press a prominent button to the left of the screen and I hear a familiar noise like an air hatch opening. The haze was caused by condensation on my visor but the inbuilt suit mechanism is still working thank God. As my view starts to clear the amber becomes more vivid, more encompassing. The dark shadow begins to take shape; what was once just a haze amidst the fiery canvas of sky becomes fully clear as the vacuum in my helmet finishes its work. Panic, fear and adrenalin hit me as the form reaches full clarity, and then I hear purring, no, more like a rumbling then I see curious but cautious eyes staring down at me from the rock it’s perched on.




It was the 4th of April 2023 when the portal was first detected. Strange gravity waves were emanating from a location near Mars, about 300,000 kilometres from its surface and they seemed to be keeping in solar orbit with our red neighbour. The first images that came in from the James Webb Space Telescope seemed to show what literally looked like an opening in space though clarity was minimal. The Mars One base which had been established a few years before was suddenly in full swing to finish work on the construction of ground telescopes that had only recently been started. Clear images were needed of the phenomenon and this seemed like the quickest way to get them.  Within 6 months a project which was estimated to take at least 13 was completed with all of the base’s resources being put solely into the completion of the telescopes, and then the big day.

The first images arrived. Planets, a canvas of stars, even a native sun, massive and glowing red. It was like looking through a window into another solar system, and not far from the other side a planet. Spectrometers and visual observation showed it to have an amber atmosphere most likely from a thick oxygen and carbon dioxide based air and its red giant sun. The planet was judged to be hazardous to unprotected humans; the closeness of its host star suggested high radiation and heat but the presence of shallow seas and some signs of ground vegetation proved there was life. Though much was barren desert it was considered a new frontier ripe for exploration and discovery.

Not surprisingly it wasn’t long before private companies were launching bids to Nasa and the European Space Agency to have their craft be the first to enter the portal. Eventually after many months of deliberation it was agreed that a joint venture between Esa and Orwell Aeronautics would be launched. Its aim was to explore the phenomenon and if possible land an exploration party on the mysterious planet that lay beyond it.


A not so hasty get away


As I limp along I can still remember her eyes through the glass window as she closed the air tight hatch between us. The strength and determination in Sasha’s eyes was unmistakable; her amber iris flecked with green showed no fear. My wrist computer beeps and displays a message. 40% CONVERSION COMPLETE. What did you find Sasha?

When I woke up I was being stared at by a strange dark haired creature that looked almost lion like both in size and presence. I could tell I was being regarded with suspicious caution, likely this creature had never seen anything like me before. If it had known I was injured I’d most likely have been its dinner judging by the large teeth It was bearing.

Configuring my wrist screen to dose me with pain relief was excruciating but worth it and I can still feel the effects. The initial euphoria lowered my anxiety allowing me to slowly get up and move away from the intimidating creature. As I began to lift myself the beast swiftly backed off while maintaining eye contact and loudening its rumble of a growl. The microphone in my helmet was still working so I could hear its message loud and clear. Keep away or I’ll show you what these teeth can do.


Once there was some distance between me and the lion (or whatever it was) I followed the path I had left from the escape shuttle. I must have dragged myself out of the wreck but had no memory of doing so, obviously we’d crashed while I was trying to pilot it down. I looked into the single compartment through the open side hatch while trying to stay weary of my unwelcome friend in the distance. Ivan and Alano were dead, there was no doubt; their helmets were smashed and there was blood smeared around their visors.  I tried to keep the bile from my mouth as I ducked my head back out. No fresh air to calm the nerves here. Slow deep breaths, in, out, in, out. Once my nerves had calmed I ventured into the shuttle keeping my eyes from the bodies to check if there was any power. No luck, the control panels were completely dead, not a chance of sending a message.

Looking into the distance I could see what seemed to be a tree line, or at the very least some form of vegetation. I could remember the photos of the planet showing that most of the water was near the heavily forested areas. Sure, I wouldn’t be able to keep my visor open very long while trying to drink or the carbon dioxide and radiation would kill me but it was my only chance, the only way I could survive long enough to await a rescue. If there was going to be a rescue.

That was 2 hours ago as I continue to limp. Every few minutes I look back to regard my stalking companion. He never moves while I look at him but I swear every time I glance back he’s a little closer or watching from behind a different set of rocks. At this rate he’ll wise up soon and figure me an easy meal.


Another hour passes and the strain of a broken arm and lack of food is started to wear on me. My headache is coming back and the dull pains are beginning to resurface. I can’t risk using more pain relief yet, it’s far too soon and I only have one dose left. Grimacing from fatigue I glance back, I swear my shadow now has a companion. “F**k!” I shout, strangely relishing the human voice for a brief moment even it’s only my own. The sun is starting to go down, it will be night soon and I won’t be able to continue on without rest. But rest is the least of my worries, much longer out in the open like this and I’ll be eaten alive by those things. I look ahead at the dead trees that are edging the green. My only chance is to scale one and pray alien lions can’t climb any better than their earth counterparts.


I awaken from my perch to the sound of whines and growls, it’s pitch dark. I shine my torch to the ground, nothing in the direct vicinity of my nest but I can see the reflection of eyes in the distance. I think I’m safe for the time being. I look down at my wrist screen, 79%. I drift back to sleep.



Friends like these


“Orwell have really given us everything, can you believe this s**t? It’s amazing!” Sasha ranted on with genuine enthusiasm. I was still trying to concentrate on getting used to zero gravity after our brief stop on Mars One to refuel. Not even an hour and my muscles were screaming.

“Tommy, are you even listening?” she asked with a hint of frustration in her youthful French accent.

“Always Sash, and I wish you’d just call me Tom like everyone else”

“Like the two other people? Don’t be so self-conscious Tommy. Now look! This computer program is able to translate any human language and attempt to break any encryption. As soon as those survey photos suggested there might have been ancient intelligent life down there they made sure we had as many resources as possible. Not that this will be much good with alien languages but they weren’t about to take any chances. Jesus Christ it’s exciting isn’t it?” Sasha was twenty-seven the same age as me. She was also a genius linguist and physicist but you wouldn’t think it from the sailors mouth she had, coupled with her young Parisian accent it was strangely charming.

“I’ll leave all that up to you Sash, you’re the linguist”

“I know that but have a look, just remember if the main power goes down the information will be transferred to the backup computers in our suits”

“If the main power goes down we won’t be alive for very long” I advised her sarcastically. “What will Orwell do then? Harvest the information from our lifeless bodies?”

“Something like that” Sasha said sardonically while winking at me. “I’m heading down below to the gym, you coming?”

“Soon, I just need to catch up with Ivan and Alano” We’d given up referring to each other by Surnames a week into the mission, far too formal for such close quarters. Ivan, forty-eight, German and almost stereotypical in his stolidness was sat at a computer terminal studying planetary photos. Geologist and botanist he was the first to notice the strange formations in the desert sands and small forests that suggested ancient structures or even cities may be buried beneath the surface.

“Those are some big mountains” I exclaimed with impression.

“Some are even bigger than Everest but it’s not that surprising with seas as shallow as they are. It’s the flora I’m more interested in. Alien plants, it’s a botanist dream” He exclaimed with zero emotion.

“Are you not worried about the fauna that may be lurking amongst the bushes?” grinning as I said this.

“It’s doubtful there will be any large animals left on this planet”

“I’ll make sure to tell the lions and tigers and bears oh my!” Not even a snicker, mustn’t be an Oz fan. He continued his observations in preoccupied silence.

I made my way over to Alano at the back of the room, I could at least make him chuckle from time to time even though it seemed more from charity than genuine amusement. Thirty-two, Spanish and wild he would usually keep us entertained with insane and most likely embellished stories of his drunken youthfulness on the streets of Valencia. Drug fuelled raves, regrettable bedfellows, It was hard to tell the truth from the fiction but it kept us laughing all the same. All but Ivan, though I still felt he enjoyed them in his own way. Alano was also a great mathematician and my co-pilot, responsible for plotting the trajectory through the portal now only hours away.

“Hey Tom, got any tequila?”

“Only water and juice pouches amigo! Besides, you’re not Mexican.”

“Hey, they’re our brothers and they make good alcohol” he advised a smile on his face before shouting “PUTA!”

“What did I do?” I asked with amusement in my voice.

“Not you Tom, these damned calculations” scribbling on a notepad with a biro as he spoke. “We need to enter the portal just right as it’s always moving. If we skim the edge… Who knows? Maybe nothing, maybe dog food! I’d rather not take the risk Tom. Now bring me some tequila you beautiful person or leave me to my mistress.”



Rise and shine


I realise I’m awake as the haze of lethargy begins to clear. I’m still in my perch up the dead tree and have been awoken by the rising sun. It’s so much larger than Earth’s and much more red, streaking the dawn landscape amber gold. As the grogginess fully subsides and I attempt to blink the sand from my eyes I notice the dark shadows in the distance and there are defiantly more than two, I guess I was more interesting than I thought.  A quiet groan of distress, a few buttons tapped on my wrist computer and euphoria sweeps my body. I allow myself five minutes as the pain relief takes effect before carefully and quietly making my way down the tree and easing myself to the ground. A glance at my wrist screen again, 95%. I guess I’ll know what that means soon enough assuming I don’t become breakfast first.

I examine the tree line and I can see a wide river that wasn’t visible in the darkness of yesterday evening. Can lions swim? I guess it doesn’t really matter as they aren’t really lions at all. I set off still hobbling though I’m starting to get used to the uneven sway of my movement. I’m hungry though my stomach stopped troubling me long ago, but the lack of energy is always prevalent now. A glance back and it appears my spectres have taken notice of my movement though they are still some way off. Well, I better keep moving.


I’ve made it to the riverside below a canopy of light foliage. The green surroundings would be a comforting change of scenery if not for the impending fear of four legged death making its way towards me. Thankfully the river isn’t as deep or as wide as I thought it would be though it will still rise up past my neck. Luck has graced me with a series of rocks jutting up from the surface of the water, something that my sapient hands can take advantage of while paws cannot. After lowering myself into the water and convincing myself I won’t drown I manage to take anchorage on the rocks. The current is swift but not so much that I can’t hang on, fifteen or so minutes on and I’m most of the way across. I can hear the morose sounds from the other bank of creatures who feel they’ve been deprived of a much needed meal, strangely I can feel some empathy for them if not sympathy but my concentration is swiftly swept away to the sensation of movement around my legs. Alien fish I tell myself, hopefully not an alien crocodile. That would be the last thing I need right now I imagine laughing to myself.

I’ve finally reached the far bank and realize I’ll need to put all my effort into hauling myself up, it brings back memories of being a child stuck at the deep end of the pool. I grip the root of a tree near the bank and use all my strength and determination to drag my body to dry land. Suddenly and without warning there was a sudden slamming into my upper thigh, it was fortuitous that it did more to propel me fully onto the bank than bringing me back down into the river. Swiftly turning back I saw eyes and snout, scaled and dispassionate submerge. “F*****g alien crocodiles after all” I opined to myself, laying on my back and laughing from my sheer luck of not being ambushed sooner. Pure elation ran through me as I began to regain my sanity, then sudden dread and trepidation at having to look at the damage that may have been caused to my environmental suit. I look to my wrist screen. I’m losing oxygen, and fast.


Where no man has gone before


We were making the final approach to the portal. Alano and I were sat in pilot positions and I was handling basic manoeuvring while he was meticulously entering in the more precise calculations. Due to the rotation of Mars not being in line with the anomaly we were approaching at a sharp angle though thankfully our craft was incredibly small in comparison; once we were through I would be able to take over and plot a more direct course to the alien world.

“So Al, are we gonna be dog food?” I asked with perhaps too much trepidation in my tone of voice.

“We’re holding course” Alano was only this succinct when he was at full concentration. Sasha was at main ship operations not far behind us while Ivan who was only trained in basic controls was seated across from her and staying out of the way.

“I don’t f*****g believe it!” exclaimed Sasha with both shock and excitement. “It’s a radio signal, a f*****g radio signal coming from the portal!”

“Are you certain” asked Ivan, flat scepticism in his voice.

“No Ivan, I just got confused for a moment being a woman despite being bloody physicist!” she retorted, voice tarry with sarcasm. “The computer is already starting to process the information but I doubt we’ll have results any time soon”.

I saw Alano’s eyes dart to Sasha for a moment but then back to his controls. Both he and I had to stay focused right now so Ivan just muttered to himself in German while Sasha exuberantly worked away at her station.

“Starting final approach” I announced using Alano’s thruster calculations to drift sideways before using main impulse to propel us through the far edge of the opening.
“NO STOP!” Sasha screamed, but it was too late. Directly in front of us and heading in the opposite direction was an unimaginably huge craft far larger than any structure I had ever seen. Due to our angle of approach we had no way of knowing it was there before now. My head was suddenly in pilot mode as I pulled sharply up. We were like a fruit fly trying desperately to amble out of the way of a gigantic swatter. As our ship rose ponderously up, the alien craft skimmed our hull tearing out a huge gouge and shaking us all to the bone.

“EVACUATION MEASURES, NOW!” I commanded as Alano headed to the evac shuttle to start pre-launch followed at the heel by Ivan who actually appeared to be showing emotion for a change, morbid fear.

Sasha and I were at the back of the craft shutting down bulk heads. The entire lower deck had been ripped out and if we didn’t close off the air tight doors now the micro fractures would explode outwards tearing us all asunder before we had a chance to launch the evac shuttle.

“I’ve entered the command codes into the computer panel Sash, it’s transferred all computer data to the shuttle and the suits, now you can hit the emergency release and seal the final bulkhead between us and the lower decks!... Sash, did you hear me?”

“Tommy, it’s not working, the backup air hatch control I mean” she looked me straight in the eyes, I had never seen her so gentle as then. “The only way left to seal it is from the other side”. She took the initiative instantly moving to the other side of the hatch.

“Don’t you dare, we can head down the shuttle now! Please” I begged.

“Oh Tommy, if I don’t do it then who? Ivan is too much of a p***y and you and Alano need to land that shuttle safely and send a warning to Earth about what’s coming.”

“Sasha, please…!”

“Tommy, get to the f*****g shuttle”. With that she hit the release and the airtight hatch slammed between us. My last view of her was through the thick glass window. Everything after that is a rushed blur of putting my suit on and starting the launch of the evac shuttle. There must have been damage done to the thrusters after our collision as my first memory after pulling my suit on was waking up on the planet’s surface being greeted by one of its decidedly less friendly inhabitants.




I’m leant up against a tree some way from the river’s edge. That thing in the waters had ripped a gash down my leg when trying to grab me and the addition of water meant the automatic breach seal in my suit wasn’t able to complete in time to keep all my oxygen in. In fifteen to twenty minutes I’d probably fall asleep from oxygen deprivation and carbon dioxide poisoning. Well, better that than the radiation I’d be subjected to outside of my suit. I decide to make my last time on Earth, scratch that, this universe as relaxed as possible and close my eyes.

*beep beep beep* Suddenly concentration flashes back as I look down on my wrist screen. ‘CONVERSION COMPLETE’ flashes up in big letters before displaying a further message. This can’t be right, how can I read this? There’s no way the program could have accurately translated an alien message. As I read I can hardly process what the words are saying.

By the time I’ve finished reading I feel like I’ve been the victim of the universes biggest joke. I close my eyes and fall asleep. At least I’ll die on Earth.




Dearest Brother,


The Command is finally allowing us to send personal messages and it is with great excitement that I inform you that we are nearing the gateway. All analysis suggests that the gateway has not caused any gravitational disturbances to our ancient home as we though it may, being so close to the planet. This expectancy was the main reason we opened it so far from Terra lest it disturbed our communications grid or even caused other unexpected damages. It seems rather ironic that the other end of the gateway should open up near ancient Terra, which I believe our ancestors referred to as Mars.

If our calculations are correct our ancestors should be no more than a hunter gatherer race when we arrive and they will not be aware of us settling on ‘Mars’ and making our future home our past home as well. When we pass through the gateway it will close behind us and our timelines will forever be separate.


Joshua, I understand why you decided to stay behind like so many others, Terra is your home but I try to think of future generations.  When our sun started its expansion so much earlier than what was predicted and became a red giant, Earth was made far too hostile for human life. Mars, now Terra became our new home and we made such I home. We created forests, cities, seas, but I slowly see the same thing happening to Terra as happened to Earth so long ago. Our sun continues its expansion and I only see a future for our people clinging to the edge of our solar system with no escape.

With the gateway I see a chance for us, for humanity. I want to create a new Terra, rebuild what we have proven we are capable of. It is my firm belief that we can find a solution to the dilemma of our sun and stop it from expanding before it starts, in the past.


Please give my love to Sen. I knew from the first time you brought her home that you were perfect for each other.


I know the stars of the past will look very different but when I turn my eyes to the sky I will always think of you both.


Your loving sister,



© 2016 Kwcmcmahon

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Added on July 4, 2016
Last Updated on July 4, 2016
Tags: shortstory, short story, story, scienefiction, sciene fiction



Northampton, United Kingdom

I enjoy writing, live music, a nice drink with goods friends and debate. more..