I Am American

I Am American

A Poem by Lalli

I am American

An immigrant through generations

A great great great grandson who honors his heritage

A heritage of people whom braved merciless seas, fought wind and water

Never bowed in defeat but stayed strong in their beliefs

That, people were never meant for captivity but destined to be free


I am humbled with gratitude

In appreciation for any soldier to ever wear a uniform

Sons, Daughters, Mothers, Fathers,

Relatives and Friends who believed in the ideology of Freedom

Humans that stared directly into the eyes of War Monsters

Some were wounded, and others died so that we can continue to live our dreams

They risked the greatest Sacrifice


And in many cases their minds

They fought courageously in wars dictated by governments

Faithfully following orders in the understanding that they were for a greater

A more noble purpose

To preserve life,

To secure a future for the generations ahead like ourselves so that we can enjoy our lives


So in tribute to those fallen

And in respect for the veterans who will never get the TRUE recognition they deserve


We as Americans

People living together with combined cultures and ethnicities

Need to learn from the examples of our forefathers

Their mistakes and their accomplishments

Since our hateful intolerance is melting metal frames of support from the inside

We are destroying the foundation that countless people lost their souls fighting to build

Have we forgotten that our way of life was once a dream, not an expectation?

Or have we become a nation of entitlement?

Unfortunately it took the unsettling of tragedy to be a reminder

Because I remember a day 9 years ago

A day when innocence was slain and we as a nation could finally look beyond our petty differences

When I saw The States of America become United

We finally once again took pride in being a part of the red, white and blue

When we paid homage to those who died and were up in arms ready to fight

I thank God that I was born an American

Born into the land of the free

And I will not forget our history


That “we the people” still have to fight countless battles to hold strong

To not lose ground

To not be pushed back from how far we’ve come

I’d hate to see history repeat itself by watching another great nation fall

All because “we the people” couldn’t accept each other internally

And destroyed ourselves

in another…


civil war

© 2010 Lalli

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Added on September 18, 2010
Last Updated on September 18, 2010
Tags: political, poem, veterans, United State, America, war, appreciation, thanks



Phoenix, AZ

It takes one voice, one passion, and one heart to create a positive existence in anothers life Lalli is an awareness/performance poet in Phoenix, AZ with a unique creative use of off-.. more..

Sometimes Sometimes

A Poem by Lalli


A Poem by Lalli