Thinking of you

Thinking of you

A Poem by Lane Craver

A Description of Love

It is a feeling like I have not felt before. My soul tugs at my heart at the mere thought of you. Butterflies tingle deep inside as I dream of your touch caressing my soft skin. Run your fingers through my hair, nibble my ear, squeeze my body tight against yours. I long for the day that dream comes true. To hold your attention in my eyes, searching the depths of your soul. Igniting the deepest of flames to dance in delight as we entangle our spirits within. Freely flying as high as our souls will soar across the expanse of the universe. Creating a desire of passion so great, that time ceases to exist. The level of love I crave from you has no name, needs no words, as it burns in my soul as a feeling.
Ode to the musician's soul who stole a piece of my heart to keep and hold

© 2022 Lane Craver

Author's Note

Lane Craver
One of the best poems I have written :)

My Review

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Powerful yet truthful, the reader captures the emotions of the writer from the first line. This could apply to those who have lost others yet want to keep their spirits and legacies going strong. Thanks for posting and asking for my feedback.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on April 23, 2022
Last Updated on June 6, 2022
Tags: Love, Poem, Mushy, Connections, Souls


Lane Craver
Lane Craver

Deep Volcano Valley, OR

Adventurous mom, with big dreams more..
