Rage (The Anger Within)

Rage (The Anger Within)

A Poem by Legion

A song I wrote about the pain of loss.



(The Anger Within)


Stepped outside the page again.

Looking back at my old friends,

The bottle and the gun.

Disappeared within the past.

Wondering how things changed so fast,

When everything came undone.

The moments when you cross my mind

Drag on forever and I must find

Just a touch of clarity

To pull myself back from this hell,

But the devil's always in the details

And I let go my sanity.


Down another drink

Another bullet fills the chamber.

Too much time to think

Which only feeds the anger.


The last thing that I heard

Was that damnable word.

That final "Good-bye.".

I couldn't understand,

As you let go of my hand,

Why the tears fell from my eyes.

Now this rage is all I know,

Tempered with a sorrow

Of days I glimpsed your soul.

A life destroyed we once shared

Broken by a sickness that didn't care.

You had to let go, but I lost control.


Down another drink.

Another bullet fills the chamber.

Too much time to grieve,

Which only fuels the anger.


Doctors came and doctors went

As I watched you lose the fight.

The one that held me up, now falling.

Going harshly into that awful night.

You said "good-bye" but I could not.

So our lives intertwine once more.

With one last drink and a click of the trigger

I will follow you through that dark door.


Down another drink.

Another bullet fills the chamber.

It is time to leave.

I'll live with no more anger.




© 2008 Legion

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The repetition drives this poem through the author's distorted narrative. It is a brutally hopeless piece, and the story of so many; whether or not they actually followed through with their wish. So many cannot cope with the dying of one of theor support network, be it a parent, spouse, lover, or friend.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


The repetition drives this poem through the author's distorted narrative. It is a brutally hopeless piece, and the story of so many; whether or not they actually followed through with their wish. So many cannot cope with the dying of one of theor support network, be it a parent, spouse, lover, or friend.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The imagery of this poem is so vivid I began to see a scene in my minds-eye or a tortured soul agonizing over the loss of the one person who kept them anchored. Perhaps someone who had been the victim of the rage at some point, but was deeply loved. I like the "Going harshly into that awful night" line, it strikes me as the anti-thesis of the classic "don't go softly into the good night" line.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

"Rage" is definitely bursting with inner anger. Killer beginning ...
The chorus is dead on...Brutal lyrics needed to be sung to release the pain.
Love how music/lyrics is a great outlet that's soulfood for the spirit ...BRAVO!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This gave me shivers as I read down knowing that the end would be dark and depressing. Gosh Legion, this is so well written my friend...almost too well...real and unrelenting. Your message of anger is clear and I'm sure many (including myself) will relate to it without a second thought.
Suicide is, as you will know, a huge problem and as such needs to be studied, your contribution to these studies is huge!!
Well done and KUDOS!


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh Legion...I got goosebumps. So emotionally brutal, really brings the reader in and made me feel the pain and despair. Hopelessness. A very powerful piece, great job!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ha! This totally sounds like a heavy rock song I'd listen to, I love it! I'm glad you said it was lyrics, because I read it differently. What an awesome anger piece. Very enjoyable, thanks for sharing!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I confess I cld not stop thinking about a share I invested in called 'Rage', a maker of computer games. I seem to recall it cost me a packet and went bankrupt in the high-tech crash of a decade ago. Groan.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow. Exceptionally dark and sorrowful, Legion. A very good lyrical piece, indeed. The raw agony and rage that fills us when someone we love goes to a place we cannot follow, and those who try to hamfist a comforting word, sends us spiraling into a dark cave in our own psyches. Often, we think there is only one solution to our problems.

Very, very well written. What kind of tune were you thinking for this?

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dear Legion,

This is a wonderful write, perhaps one of your best. The refrains really pulls the piece together and nicely hints at the poems conclusion without revealing too much at the beginning. That was expertly done.

Yes, when your emotional crutch is kicked out from under you there is grief and anger as you plumet downward. Can you get up from such a fall? That depends on how far you've fallen and how strong you are, in this case how strong you are emotionally. From some falls even the strongest can't arise. In some cases the solution is "Down another drink" and then stop. In other cases the solution continues on to "Another bullet fills the chamber".

Excellent write. High marks.

Very best regards,


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was a very painful write. I do like the repetition in the piece. I think getting rid of the problem makes more sense than a suicide solution though. I'd be interested to hear this put to music. I'm thinking Nine Inch Nails, but maybe that's just me. :o)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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10 Reviews
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Added on February 15, 2008



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I write about various topics. Mostly I write poetry/songs. I took my screen name from a concept album/epic poem I wrote years ago titled "Legion's Legacy: Tales of the Damned" which was inspired by .. more..

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