An Era Not My Own (excerpt)

An Era Not My Own (excerpt)

A Story by Leonard Birch

social commentary mixed in with some personal experience from a semi-autobiographical piece in the works

there are no word or sequence of words, in any form or fashion, that can truly describe something as unforgiving, yet graceful as a good psychedelic. a sensation fills every pore, every crevasse of your being. seeping into new frontiers, yielding golden beams of light that trace through the sky every which way. a sinking feeling emerges from the gut as the mind melts into a whirlpool of emotion and thought. suddenly, you are on a plane all your own. a place where touch and smell and temperature collide. a sense of foreboding can be felt along the outer reaches of your skin. it crawls and lingers causing only mild discomfort. it is like becoming something subhuman, a glitch in the system, if only for a moment. one can travel the vast reaches of the universe or dwell within the seclusion of the recesses of the mind. sometimes thought can be overwhelming to the process as a whole. it is as if you're standing at the doors of enlightenment and you have five hundred thousand keys to try out. i am reminded of the vast waves of youth that roam throughout our country. experimentation and substance are what drive these masses. it is not as lighthearted and melancholy as the generations before us. there is something more ferocious, more barbaric in the rituals in which our children partake. unnatural chemicals course through their veins as they dance in ecstasy to venomous vibrations. it is a plague. they seek answers to questions they have not yet even began to formulate. an endless cycle of rinse and repeat.

© 2011 Leonard Birch

Author's Note

Leonard Birch
all feedback is appreciated

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What an incredible amount of detail.

At first I was going to suggest that you split up the paragraphs and maybe capitalize the words, but really, given your topic, given how stream-of-consciousness it is, and given the overwhelming detail (which I take is supposed to be overwhelming), I think your choice to put everything in one huge paragraph is actually a wise one. It helps the audience visually see what is being described to us.

Really, really great detail/imagery/diction and very nice concept as well.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 31, 2011
Last Updated on October 31, 2011


Leonard Birch
Leonard Birch

Mars Hill, ME

Born on a hill, Raised in the sun, Living just to breathe, Breathing to go on. I'm Leaonard Birch. I'm a Welshman. more..

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