On Stories

On Stories

A Poem by Katie

An oldie but a goodie

Some people write fanciful stories
Ephermal as a spider's web
Others write plainer stories
Famous only after death
Others write boring stories
Deeply set in granite-stone
As for all my many stories
I write them in my head.

© 2012 Katie

Author's Note

This is an older poem, written in high school. Written during AP Lit, in disgust of the so-called "classics."

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I agree...many of my stories are still playing through my head, hopefully one day I can write them down as good as I picture them lol

Posted 10 Years Ago

i teach literature...and some of the stories in our textbook should have stayed in the authors' heads.

they are deeply set in granite-stone and for some reason enough professors like them enough to have them stay in the lit books...

god, how interesting those professors must be.

and why is it...that so many writers of poems and short stories only get noticed after they die?

a lot of us wonder if that will happen to us.


Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I agree! And I think it has something to do with the "absence increases fondness" bit. And don't we .. read more
I enjoyed this. And so very true.


Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 8, 2012
Last Updated on December 8, 2012
Tags: meta, story, poem, commentary



Miami, FL

Hello! I'm a twenty-year-old university student who would love as much help and critiques on her writing as is humanly possible. I'm from Florida and enjoy reading, writing, hammocks, martial arts, an.. more..

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