The Tempest in a Tea Pot

The Tempest in a Tea Pot

A Poem by Color of the Iris

Long, long ago, an elderly woman once nestled her young granddaughter in her lap
She told the little girl of her future, how she would grow both tall and wise
This little girl was all the elderly woman had left of her only daughter
So, when the time was right, she followed her instincts to keep The Passing alive

And as time flew by, the little girl grew into a fresh, luminous flower
She learned many skills, and was a beauty rarely seen by the man's eye
Both tall and wise, as her grandmother predicted, she walked the city alone
And one day, she found her hand beholding the ring of a wealthy prince

The little girl grown up to be a queen rushed off with her king in search of a home
But one day, she received a letter along with a bag made of cow, and goat skins
The letter told her that her grandmother was near passing, and would not last much longer
Then the note said at the bottom, "This is my final gift to you, Lilah... treasure it always..."

She opened the bag to find a tea pot, and she couldn't help but wonder of it's use
Why would her grandmother send her the finest tea pot she ever had?
She opened it, and her ears came alive with the blasts of thunder that quaked the pot
And her eyes glimmered with the sudden flashes of lightening that struck the world in the pot

The frisky winds soared over the lands, scooping away anything in their path
The dry fields began to wash away into the little streams, and carry their livestock with it
Cattle and horses screamed and tried to run from the mud slide getting ready to devour them
The rain pounded the earth without mercy, and threatened to bring hail with them

Lilah put the lid back on the pot, her eyes white and wild with excitement
She read the inscription on the pot: God punished man for his sins... feel His wrath live again.
She wondered how her grandmother got a hold of this, she was completely amazed
Come to think of it more clearly , Lilah didn't know her grandmother's age...

© 2010 Color of the Iris

Author's Note

Color of the Iris
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Yes, Iris! I love a good twisty tale & you delivered just that!

Posted 13 Years Ago

You write quite well actually. The poem was written by a poet no doubt. Rather anti-climatic though.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I loved this story-poem. well written poem with an interesting story. I like the way everything changes because of the teapot, and then the unexpected ending. Most enjoyable.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is awesome! I love this!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very good read. This could defiantly be made in to a book you should consider that. Kinda confusing at the end though. That way if you made this into book with this poem on the back I would buy it in a heart beat.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I have to admit the title was the reason I actually decided to read this. Once I started reading I was drawn further into the story. Creative story, with a great flow. You keep getting better with your story telling.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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That was, oh so amazing! And pffft! I didn't like it!! - I freaking LOVE IT!!!!!!! Seriously; onbe of the most amazing things ever. I love that story; it's so creative. And I...yeah i just loved it. It's SOOPERDOOPER creative, and the last line is between pondering and grinning. Enchanting, like a fairy tale, as the person below said. ^^ I freaking LOVE this, so much. 100/100 and going in my favorites!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Oh I so did like it :) What a creative story, the title got me excited..wished I thought of that! You gave the reader just enough to know the characters..without procrastinating on useless facts, the story flowed well and it had an enchantment not unlike a fairy tale..beautiful work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on December 14, 2010
Last Updated on December 14, 2010


Color of the Iris
Color of the Iris

A Nemesis Star

My world needs no explaining. If you should need to make an assumption about me, look to my writing. All of your answers will lie there. If you have any specific questions, message me. Have a wond.. more..


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