When you Like a Boy

When you Like a Boy

A Poem by Eala Cartwright

What do you do when you like a boy 
Whose smile doesn't reach his eyes, 
Whose laugh seems rare but beautiful, 
Who's secretly so shy? 

What do you do when you like a boy 
Who's fallen at the feet 
Of girls like you, each beautiful 
But heartless, cruel and mean?  

What do you do when you like a boy 
Whose confidence is low 
Who wont see he's incredible 
And wont let you let him know?  

What do you do when you like a boy 
A boy who's good and sweet 
A boy who's such a gentleman 
Who you've been lucky just to meet?  

Here's what you do when you like a boy 
You take him by the hand 
Knock down the walls he's put in place 
And make him understand.

© 2015 Eala Cartwright

Author's Note

Eala Cartwright
for the boy I like, just the way he is

My Review

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Very well written and it touched me,
Can I just say though, you have potential!
Please continue to write and read!
Can you by chance look at my story The Blonde Girl, It would really mean a lot to me.
Your new fan,

C. Lee Battaglia

Posted 8 Years Ago

Eala Cartwright

8 Years Ago

thank you very much:) i'm really glad you liked it!!
and yeah, sure thing! I'll have a look .. read more
Wonderful piece. I'm curious, however, why you used who's instead of whose. Is that gramatically correct? (I'm just asking, I'm not a native english speaker)

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Yeah, but isn't it possessive pronoun in 'who's smile...'?
Eala Cartwright

8 Years Ago

ah, yes hahaha, i was looking at the wrong bit !! thank you for pointing that out:) x

8 Years Ago

No problem. I was just afraid I was making a fool of myself.
It's refreshing that a girl can like such a timid boy (who paradoxically, seeks perhaps strong femme fatales).

Most women like the alpha male a******s lol

Posted 8 Years Ago

Eala Cartwright

8 Years Ago

hahaha i completely agree! i try to never look at boys like that - there's always the initial attrac.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on August 22, 2015
Last Updated on October 5, 2015


Eala Cartwright
Eala Cartwright

London, United Kingdom

21 // UK actress more..
