It's Over

It's Over

A Poem by Eala Cartwright

I believe that, in that moment we had a choice. 
A choice that would determine the rest of our relationship.
And I believe that if we had just been brave;
Confessed what was in our hearts and minds 
Then our relationship would have gone one way.
It would have involved us, together, 
Even if only for a brief time,
Just seeing what happened. 
But we didn't. 
We chose to dodge questions and hide behind half truths.
And as a result of that we went in the other direction.
The direction in which 
Because neither of us were willing to take a risk,
Our relationship ran it's course oh so quickly
And eventually...
Eventually faded into nothing.

© 2015 Eala Cartwright

Author's Note

Eala Cartwright
For all of you that have ever made the wrong choice. I just hope that you have a chance to either right it, or if not, learn from it and make the right one the next time around.

My Review

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Dwelling on these things can really hurt, and cause a lot of confusion or sadness or a sense of longing. It's hard when something can't be fixed, but you're sure there was a better option that neither of you took. Great poem, definitely one that many, many people will find it easy to relate to.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ah the question of...WHAT IF. I've been down that road and those memories haunt me even today.
I've read a lot of stuff from people who write about love lost, anger, hurt feelings, and so forth, but this is different. Your writing seems more polished than simply a rant about who knows what.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 9, 2015
Last Updated on October 5, 2015


Eala Cartwright
Eala Cartwright

London, United Kingdom

21 // UK actress more..
