The enlightened rich man 30.9 % complete

The enlightened rich man 30.9 % complete

A Story by Live4life201


The enlightened rich man 30.9% complete


Is satisfaction fact or fiction?

Can it be felt fully without fraction missing?

Is it a phantom menace in consciousness playing imaginations mistress?

Sending her harlot sensation 

for sessions

for lesions

letting us know sensations not as good as satisfaction.

Why's it's presents just beyond the present?

in sleep we feel it's essence,

after awake to it's absence.

We use substances to grasp it,

still not an ounce of satisfaction

just secure madness.

Should we figure chasing satisfaction is meaningless?

knowing in the pursuit of satisfaction we still can have love, faith & happiness.

A very sensual woman by the name of Ruby Heart whispered these words to me, after bringing me to the greatest orgasm I'd ever experienced in my life. The poem was one of seven pieces of her enlightening literature, that penetrated my mind deeper than my penis penetrated her Virgina. Ms heart became my therapist, mentor, teacher & all round deliver, in the most turbulent time of my 21 years on earth. I only spent one week with her, it was the last seven days of 2011's December. Ever since that week every inch of my being has been surging with the pure energy of unconditional love & affection. Now today marks the anniversary of those electric sessions, so I would like to share her sensational wisdom with whoever has a second.

My name is Valentine Chase Free man, on X-mas day last year I woke up with a paralyzing hang over in a small tent on wall street in new york city. I couldn't remember how I got there, & to make things worst I couldn't get myself out of there. I remember a failed attempt to move around made me spill my guts all over myself. Ms heart entered the tent as my vomiting slowly started to end in hard coughs & loud moaning. She was dressed in a black trench coat that stretched down to a pair of dark brown equestrian boots. I remember she was holding two steaming mugs in her hands that were covered by a pair of fluffy pink winter matins. The first words I recall her telling me, were, here have some tea. I rejected her offer with a shake of my head along with a little grumbling. She said OK, but it's the best remedy for a hangover. She set the two mugs next to me, then started explaining the condition she found me in when she first laid eyes on me. You were passed out drunk in a porta potty on --st, with a empty bottle of jack in your lap, she said. She went on to say, the johns door was cracked open because your foot was blocking it from closing. This is New york city honey, she said, your lucky I peeped you while I was walking by with some of my occupancy family, you could of easily become some freaks fresh meat. As she continued speaking a few of the events from the night before began to play in my memory. I had let the state of depression I was in get the best of me. That evening I was
contemplating suicide, because I felt I had lost everything( I loved). I had recently gotten evicted from my fathers pent house sweat after he was arrested in a major drug sting in Miami. My mom wasn't speaking to me because when I was 19 I left her in Bermuda (My home town) to live the high life with my father in New York City. The last words my mother told me where, I would really hate to see you leave, because my heart won't let me be in any conversation with anyone living off of drug money. At the time I didn't take what my mom told me seriously, I was so caught up on living the American dream. On top of all the drama going on with my family, my gold digging girl friend also decided to up & leave. The b***h knew after my pops got knocked my pockets would be on e (empty).

Anyway I broke out of the reelecting daydream to ms heart snapping her fingers at me. Hey are you even listening to me, she shouted. She continued by preaching, I will change your entire mind state for the better, if you stay with me for only a one week, you won't have to want for anything, I will supply your every need. Her light hazel eyes were filled with a look of true sincerity & her heart shaped face was far from ugly, so I replied, only if you promise to supply all my needs. She said I promise in a teasing sexual tone, then said but for now you need to catch up on some zzz. For some strange reason, the moment she made that promise me I felt totally at ease. In no time I fell into a deep, much need sleep.

Hours later that like a child song woke me from my trance like resting. Ms heart had the song blasting, maximum volume from a I Phone that was connected to a Bose surround sound stereo counsel. The inside of the tent was engulfed in incense smoke that seemed to be hiding the smell of some home grown weed. My eyes couldn't peep to much of my surroundings, but when I propped up the top half of my body. I noticed Ms heart was sitting directly in front of me. She was completely naked with her legs crossed & her eyes closed meditating. I went speechless as I stared at the smooth silhouette of her hour glass body. She had long curly alluring crimson hair that hung over a perfect pair of firm full breast, She had golden brown skin that seemed to shimmer threw clouds of smoke that swirled around her. I gazed on as the Madonna song started to die off. When the song ended Ms hearts eyes opened & instantly connected with my gaze. The sides of her lips ached upwards & dimples formed in her puffy rosy cheeks. Here smoke some T.H.C. it's time for your E.C.T. she said to me. She then reached over to the left side of her body to picked up a huge bong & a jar filled with some light green weed. She then stuffed the bong with the weed & passed it to me. Then she passed me a lighter while saying if you don't have a iron lung take it easy, that's sour diesel. I wrapped my lips over the top of the bong, lit the lighter over the weed, then inhaled deeply. Loads of smoke shot down my throat into my lungs, making me cough uncontrollable. Talking while still coughing, I asked Ms heart what the f**k was that s**t you just gave me & what the hell is E.C.T.. Ms heart replied, I told you to take it easy that's the sour dee's, & E.C.T. is a abbreviation of erotic cognitive therapy. I cleared my throat & collected myself threw a few deep breaths to seize coughing. Then I said to her, how does this therapy s**t work, & how will it benefit me. Ms heart said well first let me explain to you what it E.C.T. is exactly. She took a quick hit of the weed than began explaining. Cognitive therapy in my opinion is the best way of curing mental illnesses like stress & depression.The way it works is by using conversation to identify the issues bothering the person in need, then it works on figuring out the best solutions to deal with those issues. The erotic side of the therapy is the physical part of the therapy, it's used to stimulate the person in need using tantric sex techniques making stress release happen very rapidly. Would you like to get started, she then asked me. Those words made my mind start thinking this had to be ether a joke or dream, here was the human incarnate of the goddess Aphrodite asking me if I was ready to do the nasty. Before I could conjure up a reply, Ms heart placed her index finger on my lips & said, you know what, don't waist your breath speaking, I got your answer from your facial expressions, they always show true emotion. With her index still on my lips, she pushed my head back gently until I was lying flat on my back. Her lips then replaced her index finger, along with her tongue that slipped inside my mouth. As she kissed me she pulled down the comforter covering the lower part of my body, it was the only thing keeping are bare skin from touching. The heat of are sexually charged body's touching made me sweat so excessively I swore I was melting. Her soaking wet c**t pressed up against my rock hard erection,The pressure brought on so much pleasure pre cum came oozing out of the head of my c**k. Her kiss left my lips & she began to lick down my neck, then lower to my chest. Little ah sounds came from her voice box as she released her breath. It looked like she was savoring the taste of my skin & sweat. I was in shock, ms hearts four play was as exotic as it gets, but nothing could preparer me for the intensity of what happen next. She grabbed my wrist & positioned my hands on each side of her lower back. She then lifted her upper body off of mine & straightened out her spine, this gave me a birds eye view of her completely shaved virgina. The sight of her drenching my crotch in her juices gave me butterfly's. With her hands still clamping my hands to her behind, she raised her hips off me just enough for the head of my c**k to meet the entrance to her stairway to heaven. Looking right into eyes she saw I couldn't take being teased anymore, so she plunged me pass her pearly gates by trusting her self down on me. Ms heart had the tightest p***y I'd ever felt & she made it even tighter by contracting it's muscles on my c**k. In moments my climax was on the runway, ready to fly at any minute. & It was obvious ms heart knew my gulf steam was ready to depart in no time. I wanted to hold back a little, but when she slid her hands down off my hands & onto my nuts, lift off was in full effect. I began to ejaculate load after load of my hot cum into ms hearts hole. Somewhere in the moments shortly after my explosive climax I must have drifted out of consciousness . I woke to ms heart staring at me with her bed room eyes. She said to me that was sensational won't you agree. I replied yes it was, I'm totally satisfied. Ms heart giggled at my reply, then said your the first person I've ever met that could have there problems vanish after a sensational feeling. Then she said I'm going to tell you a little poem about satisfaction, it goes like this. Is satisfaction fact or fiction ext. 

Chapter 2 PASSION
At the time I really didn't fully comprehend or appreciate ms hearts heavily articulated message. I told her something like, that was truly some beautiful s**t, but I'd bet I'll be satisfied if I were Oprah rich. She giggled before replying with, if you found out somehow you suddenly became Oprah rich this very moment, I'd bet you'd be totally thrown off balance, you wouldn't know how to manage. In no time you would find yourself drifting into madness, or even worst lose yourself drifting into madness. She fired up a joint, took a massive hit then continued with, I know you've heard the expression money can't buy you happiness, I know you probably never paid it any attention, but if you only knew how true that statement was, you would probably begin to take it into consideration. She paused to blow the smoke in my face, then said,Take princess Diana for instance, she could of had anything in the world at her finger tips, why did she chose to pick up manic depression. Why would she chose to pick up sharp objects to cut her with. I interrupted ms heart to say, I don't know, maybe she was just a royal psycho b***h.  Oh please valentine, she said while passing me the blunt. The reason was this, the peoples princes longed for something that didn't have a price on it. What the princes longed for was peace of mind, & the joy that comes with it. But before she ever got a chance to fully faced her demons, she married into royal money, so the fame monster that tends follows the filthy rich, took over the wheel & drove her into a dead end. After saying that, ms heart went silent for a second & drew a crucifix in the air. At least that's my option she said after a moment of silence.        

I listen to ms heart state her point of view until it was light outside, but as the sun began to light the sky it was lights out for me. Once again I was sleeping like a baby in this complete strangers tent. I slept so comfortably my mind slipped into vivid dream. In the dream I stood in front of a woman's face on a giant computer screen. The woman's face resembled  Marilyn Monroe, but her hair wasn't blond, it was a dark reddish ginger color, sort of like a foxes coat. The image had three eyes, that were each filled with these hypnotic blinding lights. Two of the eyes that weir where eyes are supposed to be steered right pass me, but the eye that was positioned in the center of the woman four head steered directly at me. The extra eye didn't seem like an eye at all tho, it was more like a magnifying glass with the sun behind it. The third eye projected a light so intense it instantly set my body ablaze. The whole experience freaked me out a bit, I woke from it breathing heavily & covered in a cold sweat. I wanted to tell ms heart every detail of the strange vision, hoping she could interpreted it, but for some reason she wasn't in the tent at the time.

I waited for her to return for like eternity. All the while hunger had my stomach groaning like a yellow stone grizzly, I hadn't eaten anything since X-mas. I thought to myself yea right supply all my needs. Only when it's convenient for her tho right, not when I'm actually in need. I needed to take a shower, I needed to take a s**t, I needed to brush my teeth, I needed to smoke a cigarette, I needed something to wear. Where weir my clothes anyway? But most of all, I needed some 40%, 80 proof distilled water to drink. Here I was with barely any resources & no choice but to wait for this beautiful stranger (butt a*s naked inside her tent). It was a really weird feeling. But it could have been worst tho, at least there was a the bose stereo with the radio left on, along with battery powered heater keeping me warm. I thought to myself what a sweet fire hazard from the heart. There also was a mug of tea that I didn't drink. My nerves were obviously really bad, so I down it, thinking the caffeine would take the edge off a bit. 30 minutes later I refilled the mug then set it outside the tent (because it stunk). Not long after that I thought to myself, I had enough of this s**t. It was getting dark outside, I was getting the f**k out of there. I warped a blanket around me, then leaped for the front of the tent. But as I unzip the front of the tent open, mother nature showed me just what type of mood she was in. A cold wind blew right in my direction, the wind blew so hard I had to grip on to the blanket while tucking my head down to shield my face from the harsh elements. That's when out of the blue, a pink mitten grabbed my nuts making me yelp like a puppy, then without letting go shoved me to back of the tent. Were do you think your going ms heart said still griping my nuts. LOOK GYPSY B***H, YOU HAVE TO LET ME GO, I ANIT GONNA BE YOUR HOSTAGE, I yelled at her. She let go of my balls to take off a knapsack on her back, & some huge sound cancelling ear phones she had on her ears. I got you some stuff she said totally unaware of how furious I was. So how was your day of rehab, she said to me as she finaly finished getting herself situated. Rehab I answered, you said this was therapy.You told me we would be talking & f*****g, you didn't say anything about leaving me here alone all day. Ms heart gave me a Aww sound & a fake sad face, then said, I'm sorry, but leaving you here without any cloths  was a good way of finding out who I was dealing with. Then she added, If you had any addictions hard drugs you wouldn't be here right now, now would you. S**t, she had a point, but I wasn't having it. I said well what happened to the promise you made, you must have completely underestimate all my needs? Well she said, While reaching into the knapsack she took of her back, I thought you  needed some new cloths being that you threw up all over your old outfit. She reached in the bag & pull out a bright yellow hoodie with a matching pair of sweat pants. Then she said, I thought you needed to brush  your teeth because your breath smells like s**t so I got you this. She threw me a tooth brush along with a  small tube of tooth paste. One more thing she said, I got you this metro card, it's good  for the month so try not to lose it. Now your free to do what you want, she said. Ok I WANT TO EAT, I shouted. I started putting on the sweats she got me. Ether your going to get me some food or I'm out here I said while scrummaging around for my shoes. Where's are my shoes I yelled, after realizing they weren't in the tent. Ms heart calmly said you know we could order something right, what are you in the mood for. I stared at her with a blank look thinking to myself, this b***h has completely lost her mind. But I was starving so I couldn't turn down food. I just said dominos. Ms heart smiled & said dominos it is I got them on speed dial. She pulled out her I pone & proceeded in ordering the pizza. While she order the pizza I talked across her, saying,  you think your slick huh, your going hide my shoes, ok I got you, watch what im going to hide. Ms heart covered the phones mic with her hand, to shout, would you  mind, I'm trying to order the pizza. Then she followed with, what do you want on yours? Leave mines plane I replied. When she had fished the order I asked her, why are you doing this to me. She said because you have a light inside you, endless opportunities lie ahead of you, & I don't want to see you throw them all away. What makes you think I don't have a plan I asked her. It's not that I think you don't have a plan, she said, its the fact that you don't have the mind state to know what the right plan is.  How do you figure, I asked her. Ms heart said it doest take a genius to see your sweating & shaking from the detox your body's going threw. Then she paused & looked at me with a look that let me know she knew what was up. It was no secret, I was a alcoholic, if I had my shoes I probably would have resorted to begging for change to get a drink. I began to think, damn I'm so close to being a bum. Ms heart said I'll be right back, I'm going to go get the order, then dipped out of the tent. Her timing was perfect,I needed time to myself to analyze what road I was heading down in life. How was I going to get on the right track I thought, I really didn't have any plan. What was the right track anyway? I wonder on until ms heart returned with a brown paper bag full of fruits & vegetables. Weirs the pizza I yelled. Ms heart replied, you don't need pizza, you need something that will rejuvenate your body. Totally frustrated from getting far from what I expected I girt my teeth & turned from facing her. All of a sudden I heard zippers & buttons coming undone, then I heard her empty one of the bags. Ms heart softly said turn around & taste me with these peaches & cream. I turned to see her with her legs spread open with her natural nectar dripping over a bunch of berries & fruits. It was a truly magnificent sight to behold. Take it all she whispered to me. She didn't have to tell me twice, I began inhaling everything. She then whispered I want you to let your breath out inside me, blow me away. This made me blow on her p***y like it was to hot to just shove in my mouth. I Doug in, & it wasn't long before ms heart when haywire. She griped my head as her legs convulsed, then she griped my right hand & made me feel her heart pulse. At that moment My mind just dissolved. I regain consciousness moments later, to see ms heart staring at me with her bedroom eyes. Deja vu. I said grinning.

We chatted for while & while we did I remembered the dream I had. I told it to ms heart in full detail, then asked her if she could interpreted it for me. She said, I would be delighted to valentine. Without hesitation she got right into it saying, It's seem to me as if you had a dream about the system you live in. You were looking in the face of the machine you relied on, as it acted as if it wasn't looking at you, but it really was. The sun was the machines third eye, & its main source of power. It burn you up because you had nothing to offer the it, likewise  it had nothing for you.  But a part of you was attracted to it, thats why you viewed it with having the heights of beauty. You also viewed the machine with having fox like characteristics, like it was a crook. Im guessing thats what it's hair color represented. Ms  heart ended her analysis with, I guess your subconscious mind knows the soil it's resting on. I just replied, It seem so. She jumped off topic to talk about Oprah again. She said do you want to know the reason why Oprahs able to maintains her sanity while being so wealthy? I said somthing like enlighten me. Its because Oprah has a passion for giving, ms heart said. That statement rang a bell in my mind. When I was young my mother always told me, you only get what you give, & you only get to give. Ms hearts then told me, Its hard to get depressed when your truly passionate about something. At that moment I had an apiffiny, I understood what ms heart was telling me & it  actually made sense. I told her that s the first thing you've said that sounds like it adds up. She said, what im saying is not rocket science valentine. Then she said let me tell you a little poem about passion, It goes

Are you a slave to your passion?

Should you be?
Do you surrender to your passion unquenchable burning? 
If no then what keeps you breathing? 
Is your passion your potion or your poison?
Is it your means to an end? 
Is it your ends?
Is your passion really your passion or is it your passion to pretend? 
Is your passion foolish pride? 
Does your passion get you high? 
Does it fill you with pain or pleasure?
Does it pull you apart?
Or does it keep you together?
Does your passion keep you under pressure? 
Does your passion kill you quickly or slowly bring you alive
Or vice versa? 
Whatever your true passion may be
Let it be.

& Whatever your true passion may do
Let it do. 
Just know you are your passion 
& your passion is you.

What's your passion? I asked ms heart, after all her questions. Good question she anwsered, I have so many. I guess I'll have to say the art of living is my number one passion, she replied. I thought to myself well you must suck at that if your occupying wall street. Ms heart said, the question you should be asking yourself is, what is my true passion. Damn,I had to think about that one. I had things I liked to do, like free styling ( rapping) & painting, but I wouldn't consider them passions of mines, more so hobbies. I just told her, I don't have any. Ms heart said yes you do, everyone has a passion, & I'm here to help you find yours. Good luck with that,I thought myself. I told her before you help me find myself, help me find a bathroom, I really have to s**t. We both laughed at the awkward situation, then ms heart said no prob, I'm going to my neighbors tent to get your shoes. She threw on only her coat & boots,then left the tent to do as she said. Five minutes later she returned with my shoes, but she wasn't alone. A slim, red boned, brunet chick, with chinky eyes & a devilish grin accompanied her. I knew this chick was going to be a distraction, she looked like full on occupy jailbait.Valentine I would like to meet my neighbor Ember, ms heart said. She was one of my friends that helped me drag your drunk a*s to my tent. You were WASTED, we're the first words ember said to me (in her posh high pitched voice). I hadn't any words for her, I just nodded  my head & avoided any eye contacted. Ms heart said, put your shoes on, we're going to jog to the gym. I replied, were gonna what? The two waited for me to get my shoes on & tied, then took off down the block. Catch up if you want to take a shower, ms heart shouted. WAIT UP, I cried! I quickly held my bowls & hauled a*s, as best I could. There was no way  I was missing out on a shower.

About one miles & 30, thirsty minutes later we arrived at the gym. I couldn't keep myself from puking on the carpet of the automatic doors at the front entrance. I hadn't ran like that in a long time. Luckily I was skillfull enough to keep the vomit from getting on my bright yellow outfit. We entered & ms heart got me threw as a guest. I ran straight to the rest room, kicked in the stall, wrestled my sweats down then painted the face of the toilet seat brown. Ahhhh, Euphoria came over my body from getting that load off. I then mummified my hand in toilet papper & wiped my a*s clean. When I was done I washed my hands, doused them in hand sanitizer, checked out how much my facial hair had grown in the mirror, then diped outta there. Ms heart & ember stood laughing at me as I came out. I told them, what are you laughing at, who wears trenches & boots to the gym. Ms heart said if you be good, in few minutes we won't be wearing anything at all. We walked pass treadmills & exercise equipment until we arrived at a tinted glass door. The door had a sign on it that read, message therapy spa. Ms heart politely said be a gentlemen valentine. I took the hint & open the door for the lady's, than followed them inside the room. Littled did I know that I had just walked into heaven on earth. Lava lamps played on white walls, while Sade's cherish the day played threw speakers in the celling. Ms heart & ember striped down to there socks, then started dancing ( VERY SEXUALLY) with each other. 

© 2012 Live4life201

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Added on March 18, 2012
Last Updated on March 18, 2012




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