You Don't Need Me

You Don't Need Me

A Poem by LostandAlone

My first real friend
In a real long time
Couldn't believe
It would be time to finally shine

Went from friends
To sisters in the blink of an eye
Battled wars with ourselves and promised to help each other
Life got harder
But our feelings got stronger and we were unstoppable
"We can make it through anything" we promised, "As long as we have each other."

A year went by and our friendship was still strong,
There were new people in our lives
We now had a family that we could count on

We'd talk and talk
We laughed and cried
We always had such a great time
We promised we'd stand together
No matter what
We'd make it through
This storm called life

I didn't believe for such a long time
That it this was true
But finally, just finally
I believed in you
I believed you'd be there
I believed it was true
I believed we'd keep fighting
Until the skies were blue

All we needed was each other, that is what we said
We could talk to each other
When we needed to vent about things
No one else could know

Then slowly our friendship started fading
I thought it was just me
I was just paranoid, you see
But then I find that it is really true
The strings of our friendship are starting to break
And I'm scared I will lose you

We hardly talk,
We hardly speak,
We aren't open with each other
We aren't inseparable, don't you see?

You don't need me, please don't be mad at me...

© 2013 LostandAlone

My Review

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A well written poem...Bravo..................

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you.
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

You are welcome...:).................

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1 Review
Added on December 29, 2013
Last Updated on December 29, 2013
Tags: friendship, lost, hurt, scared, love, forever, gone, true, not, ever, first, trust, talk, vent, together



My Own Endless Hell, AZ

My name is Ade. I'm a very opinionated teenage writer. I'm in a relationship with a guy named James. I write poetry, stories, and books of a variety of genres. My best friends are Katie and .. more..
