Love, Lust, Loss and Lies - chapter 1

Love, Lust, Loss and Lies - chapter 1

A Story by Tyler and Lozza

Love, Lust, Loss and Lies. A dark romance. The book is about a tragic tale between two young lovers who can never be together, it is a truly heart breaking story.


You never know when love comes around, but when it does... life begins to have reason. No one knows what it is like to be loved until the one you love is within reach. When you reach, the one you love will reach too. And when you reach each other... your life changes forever.


   I was sitting there, at my desk, at my school on a seemingly endless normal school day and then, in the middle of my lesson, my head teacher struts through the door. Now, normally we NEVER see our head teacher in school. He normally comes in on special days and parents evening and as I said it is a normal day. Anyway he asked me and my best friend, Blossom, to come with him. I quickly looked over at Blossom. She gave me 'The look', the look that says 'What's this about?” She was confused as I was! We followed him till we reached his office, he lead us in and told us to sit on the two, red chairs by the wall. Both Blossom and I sat down holding hands; we didn't know what was happening. Were we in trouble? Sir sat at his desk in his big, brown leather chair. Blossoms eyes were wandering around the room but I couldn't Peel my eyes away from Sir. He was smiling. At me? Not at Blossom, but at me. I quickly moved my eyes away and let them dance around the room like Blossom did. My eyes finally landed on an oil painting hanging on the wall above the electric fire. The picture looked like nothing I have ever seen before. Suddenly there was a thundering knock at the door which made us jump out of our skin.

   "Come in!" shouted the head teacher in a jolly tone. At this point I was totally confused. I looked over at the now wide open door to find a drop dead gorgeous boy, around my age maybe older, standing there before me. He ruffled his short, spiky hair. It was as black as sin. My eyes were drawn to his eyes, they were as green as a thousand crushed emeralds. They seemed to be gazing into mine. He stared at me like you would an old lover. He looked like he knew me, and I felt I knew him too.

   After a few restless seconds Blossom finally spoke “The the HELL is going on Jade? Who is this boy? Why is he here? Why are we here? What’s going on?!” I let her rant on as my eyes just couldn’t tear away from this beautiful person. But when Sir spoke, his words had my full attention.

   “Toby has come to collect Jade. He has something important to show her but the thing is...” Sir seemed to look at Toby for help.

   “You might be a long time, Jade”. “We have found your parents and they live in America, Alaska in fact and it might take a while for them to except you again.” Toby sounded confident as if he had practised the speech before he came in.

   “Wait a second” I yelled which made Blossom jump out of her skin again, “You found my parents!? You want me to travel to America with this boy who is no older then I am?! And then say I might not come back for a long time!”

   “After all that Jade has been through, you put her through this s**t too!” Blossom shouted just after I finished. She made no impact.  My eyes stayed on Toby’s and his on mine. It looked like he was looking through my eyes into my heart. I felt a connection. But I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Suddenly, I thought of a way of getting out of this.

   “So, Toby,” I said in a flirty voice as I slowly got of my chair and walked towards him. “Why have you come to get me and not my social worker then? And if you are the same age as me, how can I trust you? How can I trust you didn’t just look into my folder and find out everything about me, hey?” Finally I stopped just a few feet in front of him. I was staring up at him and the whole time our eyes have been locked. I just couldn’t look away. Finally he spoke.

   “I am Steve’s son, your social worker Steve? He asked me to come and collect you for him today and I will take you to the airport to meet him.” He said matter of factly, but I could hear the tiniest bit of flirt coming back at me. I felt like I could flirt with him all day but I remembered Blossom and Sir were still in the room.

   “And where is Steve then Toby?” I asked.

   “He is in a meeting at the moment with other social workers. If all goes to plan we will be flying off to Alaska tonight” Toby gave me a small corner smile which tugged one of my heart strings. I remember him from somewhere, I know it!


   “Yes. You, me and Steve.”

   “You’re coming too? And we’re going TONIGHT!? Bloody Hell!!!” I didn’t know to sound angry or pleased. They haven’t given me enough time to think it over. I was pleased to be getting out of school but did I really want to meet my parents who abandoned me all those years ago?

   “Yes, I lost my mother years ago. My father, well Steve, and I are inseparable” he turned his head away and our eyes finally unlocked. I felt lost, alone and cold. I wanted to hug this boy, not to comfort him but so he is in my arms. I wanted him in my arms. It was all just a maze, why did I want all of this? My emotions were on a roller coaster of a ride.

   “I know what that feels like” I wanted to hide away and cry, hide in a corner and just cry me a river.

   “So, Toby is going to take Jade away today, I’m going to be on my own? Pretending she's beside me? And I deserve this because?” Blossom was just worried again but I turned to face her and she had tears coming down her face. I wanted to walk over to her to hug her, but she ran out of the room before I could. I watched her before the door shut and it was only me, Sir and Toby left in the room.

   “Jade, I need to go after Blossom. Toby, stay here with Jade whist I go find Blossom” And sir was out in a flash after my best friend. I should of been the one going after her, but i didn’t have the will power to move from where i was. When the door shut I turned to look back at Toby and he was much closer then he was before Blossom ran off. I had to fight the urge to swing my arms around his neck and kiss him. All I could do was gaze back into his eyes. He stared into mine and took a small step forwards. I caught my breath and my heart was beating far too fast but I couldn’t look away. Before I knew it I had taken a step forwards as well. I wanted him so bad; he looked like a God to me. My drug. My Obsession. Suddenly our bodies were touching. Toby took my hands in his and lent down and whispered into my ear;

   “There are a lot of things for you to know if we are spending the next few weeks together. For a start I would like to say, you are not who you think you are.” He pulled away from my ear and he stroked my face with his soft hands.

   “If I need to know a lot of things, then tell me this. Why do I feel like I know you Toby and why are we acting like we are an old married couple? It just doesn’t make sense but it feels so right. What’s going on?” His face seemed to freeze but his eyes did not move away from mine. His Stare suddenly turned hard and cold. Unwelcoming. I didn’t want to look away. After a couple of minutes in silence, Toby spoke.

   “Right at this moment you do not need to know everything. There are hours ahead, I do not need to explain everything now” He dropped my hands and walked over to the electric fire. His back was to me and I couldn’t see his face. I was stunned, I couldn’t move. I wanted to say something, that I wanted to kiss him? That I recognized him? I would sound like a compete Waco! It felt like moments until any of us said anything but it was Toby who was first to speak.

   “Jade, you do know me, and I know you. But do you know what?” He turned round to face me, “I’ve known you for years but every time I get to close, you’re gone. POOF! And so is I But doing remember all the love we had for each other. And also, I remember the burning. The Flames, being destroyed, of losing you, of finding you, of wanting to kiss you so badly! To hold you as my own again, but then finding your gone and so am I. The burning of eternal love! The burning of wanting to hold you, to kiss you and whisper words into your ears as I did before.” At this point we where face to face again. Hands touching, eyes locked with each others. I wanted to kiss him right there, right at that moment but something stopped me.

   “Why don’t you then?”

   “Don’t you get it? You do this to me every time. You make me hunger more of you and I can’t resist but I have too! I want to indulge myself. Why do you have to be so perfect jade!?” I could feel the heat of his skin on mine and I could smell his sweet breath. I leaned in the tiniest bit and said;

   “I’m perfect? That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that said he hugged me back. He gave me a soft peck on the top of my head and I squeezed him a bit to say thanks. I didn't realize I was crying until Toby wiped my tears away. He turned my face towards him and gave me a little smile. I couldn’t help but grin back at the friendly face. “Toby?”

   “Yes Jade?” he answered still cuddling me.

   “Why are we acting as if we’ve known each other for years?” I looked back into his eyes and he looked somehow, amused.

   “Because you and I are what heaven call the ‘Unfortunate Love Circle’. It is a tricky relationship we have, but we make it work somehow, and we have known each other for years, only I’m the one that remembers” he flashed me a smile and squeezed me tightly. Suddenly Blossom burst through the door seeing us cuddling each other in the middle of the office.

   “Jade?! What are you doing? Have you fallen for this guy and want to run off to America with him and without me, you selfish b***h!?”

   “Blossom, this isn’t what it looks like,” I regretfully pushed myself away from Toby and stepped towards Blossom, “he was just telling me about my mum and dad in America and...” I looked at Toby for help. He must have seen me explain this a thousand times.

   “She was saying how much she’ll miss you but the experience of seeing her biological parents might make her a stronger,  a more humble person” Toby gave me an encouragingly sly wink before Blossom could see.

   “And please explain the romantic hug in the middle of the head teachers’ office?” Blossom looked hurt, betrayed and disappointed.

   “I was comforting her as you couldn’t do it because you ran out of the room. Well, Jade, I’ll leave you two  girls alone. I’ll be outside, ready for you to come out and we’ll be on our way.” Toby brushed past me and out of the door. An almost silent click of the door seemed like the only noise that would fill the room for a long time. I went to sit back down on my chair but Blossom had already taken up the two.

   “How did you get there so quickly?” I was stunned and surprised at the fact that Blossom let out a low chuckle.

   “Well when Toby was walking out of the room,  you were Drooling over  him and that he was all you could see. Just admit it Jade, you blatantly want him. You were so engrossed in Staring at him I just walked past you to the chair, and you were completely oblivious. But you have got the explaining to do, not me”


© 2011 Tyler and Lozza

Author's Note

Tyler and Lozza
Please comment below..... remember it's only one chapter so far!!!!! :D

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Millie :) No I am nothing like Toby :), However i do not know about lauren :) :) - Tyler

its based on my thoughts milie, and i am nothing like jade... she is more like some one else i know.... and tyler i think u are a bit like toby, u did develop him ya no ;) - Lozza x

Posted 13 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


this is great! wen does the rest come out?

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is pretty well written, aside from the occasional grammar mistake. But, I mean, it's GRAMMAR, somehow it always manages to find problems and throw them all over peoples' writing, otherwise it's great.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hi Guys~
I am currently working on a series called Beautifully Haunted. All of the book titles are songs by Evanescence, I have Whisper, Solitude, Surrender, Lies, Demise, and Exodus. I really appreciate any suggestions and feedback for me, my email is [email protected] for those of you who want to ask or comment on anything, or just wanna say hey.:) I'm a very social person, I love talking to people, and if you're working on any novels or things of that nature, I'm always interested!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Posted a year ago! whoops :/ sorry guys Follow me on twitter @Tyler_Burrans

Posted 12 Years Ago

this is a dramatic type of story that moved my heart...i jus love it....great work...and i can`t wait to read the rest

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i really look forward to reading on, i couldnt stop reading. you have a talent of keeping your audience interested in the story. very nice work : )

Posted 12 Years Ago

Kailer :) thanks :) that was My line :) Check out our Book Love, lust, loss and lies! :D comment on our chapters! - Tyler :)

I have to admit, tyler came up with that line xxxxx - Lozza ♥

Posted 13 Years Ago

Interesting story--"Hair black as sin." that's got to be one of the best lines I've ever read

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

chapters 2 and 3 are up remember people :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

I was reading this for your contest, and I must say it is good. Maybe even alot better than my own stories. But I like a challenge, so I hope you like my stories as much as I like this one. Can't wait to see the next chapter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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37 Reviews
Shelved in 10 Libraries
Added on January 10, 2011
Last Updated on February 1, 2011
Tags: Romance, Lies, Love, Lust, Loss, Dark Romance, Teen reading


Tyler and Lozza
Tyler and Lozza

Portsmouth :D, United Kingdom

Oh My Giddy Aunt!!! We Got asked if we wanted a book published internationally and it isn't even finished yet, but we had to say no as it was a 'tad' to £ :( but we have another publisher at our.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Tyler and Lozza

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