My First

My First

A Poem by Ally Baker

3 long years ive known him

most of that time weve been friends

most recently - more than that

he tells me he likes being with me


so why do i hear different

from his ex friend, friend again, my ex?

could he be making it up?

sadly, i dont think he is ...


when he first told me, i was fine

i didnt react in the slightest, unphased

so why, now, is it hitting me, so hard

the dagger slicing through my heart

with the intensity of his words and their meaning


i think about the times ive spent with him

the lies he mightve told me, to my face,

with false truth disguised so geniusly in those

deep, ice blue, apparently soulless eyes of his


I shouldve seen this coming, but what i feel

for him, has always been there, taking me so long

to open up to him enough for a friendship. then a little more

to get to where i thought we were now, but he seems

to think of me as just another experience, nothing more

if i asked him, would he know the color of my eyes?


no feelings deeper than the heat of the moment, thats all

ill ever be in his eyes.  always be just some girl he hooked up with

to say that he did it. he'll never remember me the same way

i'll remember him - my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first love


ill remember him - my first

© 2009 Ally Baker

My Review

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This writing is so full of honest emotion. Its gripping. I identified with the character right away.
I felt like i was close to her. Very good job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This was a very saddening, but warming poem. Saddening because of what he did ;( , but warming because of what if felt like in the other point of view - my first. you portrayed great emotion in here and expression. well done. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

This sounds so genuine! It's like a story told in a poem. It's very straightforward, but nice. I think that, maybe, a few similes or metaphors might help to improve it a bit, give the reader more visual aid.

But overall, it's nice. Not your best, but nice. :]

Posted 14 Years Ago

Awww I'm sorry this happened to you! The first are always the hardest to let go, but you will once you find someone you think is better. You won't ever forget, that's true, but you will let go. I was a jerk for this, and even though I don't' know him or you personally I consider you a friend so I hate him for hurting you. Great emotion and excellent write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on July 27, 2009

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