till next time

till next time

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

a memory snuck in through the radio

while i was looking in the rear view mirror

waiting at the red light


i drink in the words like wine

feeling them warm me

dancing with them behind the wheel

do you remember?

it’s the one we listened to till the needle scratched the album

the noose of memory tightens

but not around my neck - - around my waist

where your arm used to linger

i can almost feel your warm breath

on that spot on my neck

my eyes shimmer with the sensual whimsy of it all

even now you bring me more than i hope for

more than i would dare ask for

but now the light is green

goodbye till next time…..




© 2016 Lydia Shutter

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How did I miss this one? Or did i review it? Your poems are always new to me even if i read them everyday. I like how you ended it. The red light should have lingered so you write more...And by the way, did that music stop or another one came that jolted your memory back, if that's the case...I am waiting for a another poem, the likes of this one

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lydia Shutter

7 Years Ago

Cassie, I just love your reviews, sweet friend of mine. Thank you so much. Lydi**


Romance in the fifties was pure
simple love... such as " Walkin my baby
back home". Your poem is so smooth.
I can imagine you dancing behind the wheel,
waiting for the light to change from red to green.
Till next time. truly, Pat

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lydia Shutter

7 Years Ago

I do often dance behind the wheel. I am sure the other drivers think I am a crazy old lady, but I d.. read more
what a great ending, the green light....but while the red light lasted?

"hey, baby, they're playing our song, the one they used to play when we used to get along--"

i also like the noose around the waist not the neck...cool twist...


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lydia Shutter

7 Years Ago

"things I'd like to say" had such wonderful lyrics, but the Cryan Shames were a bit cliche if you as.. read more
jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

i agree, cryan' shames' lyrics were cliche...but "could be we're in love " beautiful song, and they .. read more
Lydia Shutter

7 Years Ago

me too....absolutely!
Paul Anka's, "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" and we danced and danced... **sigh** wow Lydi such memories... young, foolish and in love!!!

don't forget Lydi, when I get my new knee you and Shirley owe me a dance... or two or three... I'll reclaim my name: Clean Gene the dancing machine!! lol ;0)

I love your poem Lydi, for the memories, for the music and for reminding me how for a short time the world revolved around a turntable, 45's and slow dance music.... I can still smell her shampoo Breck (do they still make that anymore???).... and like a scratch in the vinyl I hear a "nice" repeat repeat repeating every revolution... not stuck, just acknowledgement of your poetry!!


Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lydia Shutter

7 Years Ago

Young, foolish, and in love....yup....serial love stories back then, but they were all "the best". .. read more
This poem gave me goose bumps. Songs often trigger strong memories. And for that instant, you are there.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lydia Shutter

7 Years Ago

Absolutely, you know it! Thanks, KL. Lydi**
Some songs are so close to cherished moments in life. You hear them and you find your self lost in a moment in time.
This memory lasted as long as the signal was red. The green light tells you that you cannot linger in the past....You have to move ahead
I loved the lines: " the noose of memory tightens but not arounf my neck....but around my waist"

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lydia Shutter

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much,
Shabeeh! Lydi**

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15 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on June 22, 2016
Last Updated on June 22, 2016

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