Has '1984' finally caught up with us?

Has '1984' finally caught up with us?

A Story by MBARRYM

Finally, “1984” is catching up to reality.  Although the predictive novel, written by George Orwell in 1949, has taken a few years longer to become reality(33 years), it is not a stretch of the imagination to see that the state of being for the United States and Europe has finally reached the end state predicted by Orwell.  Oh, the change to a perpetual state of “English Socialism” may be a few years down the road, or just possibly a few months down the road, it should be plain to anyone knowledgeable about the state of our Democracy here in the United States, that it has been changing and not for the betterment of our civilization.  And, Europe has generally speaking been ahead of the United States on this conversion by at least one decade. 

In the novel 1984, the far left liberals have slowly but surely turned Europe into a socialist state, a place called ‘Oceania’ a Superstate, and “Airstrip One” a province, formerly known as Great Britain.  Oceania is a land of “never ending war (war with whom), where there is omnipresent government surveillance and public manipulation.  A place where government has created its own language (Newspeak).  A nation-state under the control of the privileged elite of the Inner Party, a party and government all in one that persecutes individualism and independent thinking as thought crime, enforced by the Thought Police.  Of course, this Tyranny is overseen by a leader called BIG BROTHER, who may or may not exist, whose image and speech is used to guide public thinking by constantly and ceaselessly speaking on enormous screens seemingly anywhere you go.  Big Brother’s purpose is essentially to control the population with propaganda about the government and its success in internal and external affairs with other nations.  His job is to basically mollify the public. 

The other part of this government is basically its “public line.”  This is the stance of the government in public view or what the government wants everyone to believe.  But, the problem is that this government demands belief, and punishes anyone who dares to point out an inconsistency or a “falsehood” about Oceania and/or Big Brother.  This is the Inner Party’s job:  to punish violation of ‘proper thought’ and speech, which is controlled by the Thought Police.  Then there is the Outer Circle: whose job it is to rewrite every document and everything in print so that the past is consistent with what the government wants the public to see.  If anything in print is incongruent with the government line, it must be corrected or destroyed.  The Outer Party works for the Ministry of Truth.  It is responsible for state propaganda and for historical revisionism.  In some situations, the historical record disagrees with the State and cannot be revised so it must be destroyed.  The point is that all historical documents must fall in line with the position of government in order to prevent others from using the historical document against the government.  It is not allowed for anyone to oppose or to thwart the will of the government.  This is treason and is usually dealt with by a bullet to the back of the head when the perpetrator least expects it, even if the perpetrator has been re-educated and done penance.

These forces that we find in the book “1984” are at work in the United States today.  They are gaining in power and it is their intent is to bring European Socialism (or worse) to this nation regardless of what the majority of the nation wants.  It is here, and doesn’t look like this particular ideology is going away soon.

So, what is happening in our society now that bodes badly for our Social Order: 

                1). The very foundation of our system of law and order, is now being corrupted politically, where it is now being used for the protection of a political party; to using the FBI and Justice Department to protect and cove for criminality, and this has been going on for years now. They protect illegal activity and then provide alternative stories to not only cover up, but to turn the blame onto the other party.  Now they make up dossiers, and knowing them to be half-truths, no truths and lies, bring them into the FBI, polish them up and then take that glorified mess to the FISA Courts to justify warrants to then proceed against people who have now been lied about.  And, in doing so ignore he lies and illegal acts of the party in power that is right in front of them.

This is counter-government, unelected, and empowering itself for the ultimate overthrow of our entire government in a coup de etat.  And, if we slumber, they will overthrow our government and none of us will have a Bill of Rights when we awake one morning.  That’s when we see the huge bill-board electronic signs blaring the image of the Beast telling us ‘be calm, the world is as is should be, no one is in danger.  And, all will be explained, but for now, go to work, eat your meals, pay your bills, and everything will be ‘a-ok’, copasetic.  Do not be alarmed, and make no threats against anyone or against your new government.  Punishment will be severe if you do.  Until all can be explained, you should go about your business until you are better informed, then you will understand all, and see the benefits of the new ORDER, and its new leadership.  BIG BROTHER, wants you to be happy, and is making it possible for you to enjoy your life.  He is serving you and you simply just have to show proper respect and be on your best behavior. 

Then on the Public Address, came the longest deepest blair of a horn I have ever heard, and then the voice of the ONE who called himself BIG BROTHER.  HE said to us all:  Do not be afraid Citizens.  I am now the official champion of your lives.  It is my job to take care of your every need.  To see o your lives as your parents always did, but not it I ho will take care of you.  And for this, I will protect your natural lives, but if you fail me, I will punish you with harshness and severity, and you will know my wrath until you very last breath is consumed and released. I will have your loyalty from this moment forward or I will have your life put to an immediate end.  Live by my rules and you will prosper, live by the least of your rules for life and I will bring to your life ruin.  Hear me my Citizens and all will be well, ignore me my citizen, and I your life will be for you a travail in horror while I exact my punishment upon you.   You will not know when he end will arrive until it is upon you, but you will know.

More will be coming to you, and more will be explained to you so that your knowledge will be perfect.  But for now you will see bulletin boards all around the various concourses, read them as you go, and be comforted.  All is well my children, GO in Peace and be glad!

© 2017 MBARRYM

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Added on December 17, 2017
Last Updated on December 17, 2017



Chattanooga, TN

I am new to Writer'sCafe.Org. I am retired and in poor health, but I wanted to spend some time writing stories and poems that I have in the hopes that they will add some spice to someone's life. more..
