Brown Paper Packages Bound Up Cords

Brown Paper Packages Bound Up Cords

A Story by MBARRYM

See what happens when a family comes together to enjoy the Christmas Spirit


A long time ago when I was about seven years old, I was told that I would be receiving a package in the mail, and I would be tied in brown wrapping paper with a rope string around it.  At the time, I was told this, I was sitting on the right knee of Santa Claus at the biggest department store in Paducah, Kentucky.  He said, “Michael, you have been very good boy this year and I know exactly what you really want for Christmas his year, and I am going to see that you get what you really are wanting this year.”

Well, I did not know what he was talking about.  So, I said, “Santa, how did you choose me.  I am not so use to getting what I want.  This is so unexpected.  I don’t know what to say, except thank you.”

So, I got up off of Santa’s knee, and turned to him and said, “thank you Santa.”

Santa looks right at me and says: “Michael, when you get the box on December fifteenth, you will have days follow the instructions, follow ALL he instructions on top of the box just as soon as you unwrap he package.  Do not overlook any step.  Do exactly as it tells you, do not skip a single word.  You must follow each and every instruction.  Just continue to be good Michael and you will be alright.  OK, Michael.  Do good and I will see you right here next year.”

To Santa’s word the package arrived on December 25 th.    Much to my surprise, my brother, who was four years older than me, grabbed the box right out of my hands and proposed to open it up himself.  So, I told him:  ‘if you do that, it will ruin the gift because I am not completing the instructions, and if I don’t do the instructions on the box as Santa told me, the gift will be ruined and I will get nothing.  My brother began ripping off the brown paper wrapping and string and exposed the all-important instructions on top of the box within.  I begged him to stop:  “please brother, please stop.  If you go further I will not be able to get the gift that those instructions lead to.  The box only leads to the gift, I alone can do those instructions and I have to do them perfectly or I will lose the gift.”

Then, I asked my brother why he was so intent on ruining a gift that had been promised to me, I said to him: “are you jealous or just being vindictive and mean?  Or, are you just wanting to punish me and ruin my Christmas.  You don’t have to ruin my Christmas.  Who knows, if I do as I was told, the present that has been promised to me may be mine only if I give you the biggest or best present.  So, if you keep on with this, you may be hurting yourself the worst.”

So, with that, I turned and set down next to the Christmas Tree until he decided what he was going to do.  After a few seconds, he set the box down in front of me and walked away.  Walking half way across the room, he set down in a chair, and said to me, “you better do those instructions right and get me a present little brother or I am going to make you wish you were living in someone else’s house, or I’ll make you look black and blue, instead of green and red.  You got me, Mikey? My boy”

“Santa said I had until December 24th at midnight to make sure I got all the instructions done correctly. Putting pressure on me and threatening me will only make his more difficult and therefore, harder to get done correctly.  You need to be patient, as well as helpful instead of mean, cruel and nasty.” 

He said, “you got it little brother, just don’t make any mistakes because if you mess up I will assume you are trying to keep me from getting something out of his.”

I told him, ‘this is my Christmas present from Santa, not yours.  It may be something for all of us, you included, I don’t know.  But you need to go away and stop being selfish.  I don’t know what this is about until I get through this, only then will I know.  Try to be patient, and if the gift includes something for you I will be sure you get it.  After all brother, Christmas is supposed to be all about giving, not being selfish and ‘taking’.  Maybe the gift of understanding and patience is what you are supposed to get out of this, not GREED AND JEALOSY.”

He said, “well I guess we will find out before Christmas Day, won’t we?   And with that he got up out of his chair and left the room.

I looked at the top of the box.  There were twelve numbered instructions.  The first instruction said: “1.  In the back of box is a tab, just pull the tab around the box in a clockwise fashion until you have gone all the way around the side of the box until you have got the top of the box separated from the bottom of the box. Keep the top of the box facing up so you can continue to read the instructions as you go forward.”

“2. Gently take the top of the box off and sit I down on the left of the bottom of the box.”

“3. There are four (4) Christmas cards inside the box.  Leave these four cards inside the big box right where they ae right now.  They are to be taken out only when you are told to take them out.”

“4. The gold envelope contains a gift for your father.  It is to be taken out of the box on December 24th at 11:56pm and given and opened by your father at exactly 11:58pm, 2 minutes later.  He must open the card before midnight, no exceptions, Michael.  If he has not opened it before midnight it will vanish into thin air, and it will be lost to him.”

“5. The Silver envelope with the Gold Leaf Christmas Tree on the front of the card, contains a gift for your mother.  It is to be taken out of the box on December 24th at 11:57 pm and given to your mother at exactly 11:59 pm, 2 minutes later.  She must open the card before midnight, no exceptions, Michael.  If the card has not been opened before midnight of December 24th, it will vanish into thin air, and it will be lost to her forever.  You do not want this to happen, Michael.  Make sure it is opened before 11:59pm on Christmas Eve.”

“6. The Red card is for your brother.  Right now it is empty, Michael.  It is empty because of the way he has been treating you over this present.  IF he wants anything from his envelope, he must beg your forgiveness and apologize to you for his poor attitude, and for being bad all year long.  Tell him what he has to do in order to receive his card with a meaningful gift in it.   If he refuses, He will reap nothing for a Christmas Gift this year, and maybe forever.  Okay, Michael, he must receive his card by 11:50 pm on Christmas Eve, he must hold it for nine minutes, and it must be opened by 11:59 pm. If he doesn’t open and read his card by 11:59 pm he will get nothing. 

“7. Michael, your card is the Green card with the Gold Leaf Wreath on the front of the card.  Your card is also empty. It will remain empty until you have successfully completed tasks four through six.  When you complete task four for your father, your mother’s card will receive its gift.  When you complete task five for your mother and it reveals its gift then your brothers gift card will receive its gift.  When he has successfully opened his card by the time required, then your card will receive its gift. Michael, do you understand what has to happen and in what order?”  I said: “Yes, Santa, I understand.

“Michael, you must not open your card until after midnight.  You have to wait until Christmas day before you can open your card.  If you do not open your card before 2 am on Christmas Morning, your card will disappear and you will get no gift and your brother and your parent’s gifts will be forfeited.

“8.  Michael, this is a lesson in patience and love, the Christmas Spirit must be revealed during this process and it must remain a continual joy for you and your family.  Help your family learn the meaning of Christmas and all will be well.


The day passed slowly and my brother became more and more impatient with my progress with each passing day.  By the morning of Christmas Eve, he was making threats on the box.  He said, “I am going to go get that box and get my Card.” I said to him, brother if you do that you will ruin your Christmas present, my Christmas present, and more importantly you will destroy both Mom’s and Dad’s Christtmas gifts too.  Can you not wait until a few more hours until just before midnight tonight.   Please be patient brother, it is not that much more time. Okay.  If you take the cards out of that box you will destroy everything.  IF you don’t believe me, just read the direction page I have to follow tonight.  Please, brother, just wait a few more hours and you will be glad you did. I promise you this my brother, if you will be patient until just before midnight, you will be happy and you will be the most excited you have ever been.  It is worth it brother, not just for you but for all of us.

With that, my brother got up and went to the box and picked it up and headed for the door.  He took it to the doorway, and having second thoughts sat the box back down on the table and walked out the door.  He said, “Okay Michael, but if you are pulling my leg or feeding me a line, I will beat you until you are black and blue and I will do it unmercifully until you are another year older.”  He quietly left the room.

Christmas Eve moved along slowly but surely. My brother seemed to mellow as the day moved along.  And I said to him.  “Brother, if you want your present tonight just before midnight you have learn to have the joy of Christmas inside you every day of the year.  You have to learn to treat me like a brother you love and honor as a part of you.  Not like an alien with no feelings.  You have to apologize to me, and tell me that you love me.

My brother’s demeanor changed abruptly, and he turned and walked out the door in a bi huff.  I said to him: “if you don’t brother, none of us will get anything.  So how happy his family is tomorrow is in your hands.  This whole thing brother, is in your hands and it has been since this thing began.  It is all up to you, and it is all in your hands.  This is all up you now brother. All up to you.  If you don’t comply, brother, none of us will be happy.  But this is about you receiving the Christmas Spirit, and living it toward everybody everyday.  If you are willing brother, you will not only reward yourself but the rest of your family too.  Do it brother, you have nothing to gain and everything to lose, and so do the rest of us.  Please, brother, you have so little to lose and so much to gain.”


My brother, then turns to me and says, “Okay brother, I will think about it and I will let you know before it gets too late.  I sure wouldn’t want to wreck your present or moms and dads just to give you a hard time, now would I brother?”


“9. Michael, at exactly 11:00pm local time tonight, Christmas Eve, you must close up the box for exactly 27 minutes.  At 11:27 pm, you must remove the lid, and you must immediately gather your family into the living room.  You must start instruction 11:00 pm and be finished by 11:35pm, no exception Michael.”

“10.  Michael, you cannot give out the first card to your father at 11:56pm until your brother has complied with his required statements of contrition to you.  If he has not complied by then all will be lost.”


“11.  When your brother has done what he is required to do, You will give him hug and kiss and tell him that you love him.   When that is done, you can take the lid off the box and gather your family in the living room of your house, and then follow the steps you have have already seen to give out the Christmas Cards.

“12.  Have your brother pull out the Gold Christmas Card and give it to your father.  After that, you will give out the card to your mother and then you will give the bright red card to your brother.  Then have your mother, reach in the box and give you your Green Card.”

At eleven pm on Christmas Eve, I closed up the box and I went into the family room where mom and dad were watching television, and I began to relate to them what Santa had told me at the Department store one week before.  Both my parents were conciliatory, but doubtful as to the truth of what I was relating to them.  “I told them, that all of our Christmas presents depended upon what they did over the next half hour or so, and wouldn’t it be so much easier to just go along with me and see if it is tall tale or not?”  They both agreed to stay as I requested.    

As soon as I had mom and dad prepared, I went to my brother’s bedroom and I said: “Brother, it is almost time to begin in the living room, don’t you want to say something to me.   He looked up at me and said: “Brother, I have been a spiteful bother to you all this year, and I am sorry I have not treated you like a brother should be treated.  Forgive me brother, and I will endeavor to be the best brother you could ever want in the years to come.  I do love you brother, don’t ever forget that.  Now what we got to do to have this great Christmas?   I went over to where he was and asked him to stand up.  When he did, I hugged him and kissed him and told him I loved him, and then I said I need you in the living room like right now.  Please come right now, OK?”    He said: “OK,” and we walked side by side to the family room.

I said “let’s go by my room and get the box, it has to be reopened at exactly 11:27pm and carried into the living room.  As we entered my bedroom, he said “Oh, I already got the card box and took out the cards and opened them.  There was nothing in any of those cards.”   Then with a wry smile on his face he said:  “Just kidding, I haven’t touched them. 

Seeing the box still closed on the dresser, I picked it up and took It to the living room.  I arrived in the living room at 11:25pm. 

My brother would receive his card in just 25 minutes.  I looked at my family, now all sitting down on the couch right in front of me, and I said, this starts in 25 minutes and it will be over by 11:59pm, except for me.  I have to wait until just after midnight to get my card.  But for you three, you will have all opened your card by 11:59pm.  The time passed on quickly as anticipation mounted.

At 11:50 pm I reached into the box and handed my brother his Red shiny Christmas card and told him he had to hold It for 9 minutes. 

At 11:56 I reached into the box and handed the Gold Card to my brother and told him that he had he honor of giving Dad his card.  My brother looked at me and with a proud look on his face, took the card and handed it to my dad.  I said, “dad, you have just 2 minutes to open your card.  If you don’t it will disappear and be lost forever.

At 11:57 I reached into the box and picked out he Silver Christmas Card and handed it to my mother.  Mom, I said: “you must open he card in 2 minutes or by 11:58pm. I said, “Dad, open your card and read it right this very minute, it is required.”

My dad opened his Gold card without delay and silently read.  I said “DAD, read it out loud.  He began to read, “Take this card on the first business day after Christmas Day to your nearest supplier of commercial forming equipment.  This card entitles you to receive any five pieces of equipment you need to make your business the best it can be, and that will honor you for your hard professionalism and desire to do all your work well, even better than before.  You are also entitled to one panel van so that you can take your business on the road.

 At exactly 11:56 pm, I said, “Mom, since Dad’s card had a gift within, now so does yours.  You must open and read it by 11:58 pm.  So, go ahead and open your Silver card and read out loud to us what it says.”

My Mother slid her right index finger under the envelope flap and quickly opened the card to the left.  Then pulled the gift card out and began to read aloud. She read: “Take this card on the first business after Christmas Day to the nearest Pontiac Dealership.  This card entitles you to receive one brand new Pontiac Star Chief automobile absolutely free.”  With that she began to cry uncontrollably.

It was now 11:59pm, my brother had now been holding his card for nine minutes.  It was time for him to open his card.  I said, my brother, since Dad’s and Mom’s car had a gift card inside, as of right this second yours does also.  You may open up your card and read allow your present.

My brother, you may not hesitate, you have less than one minute.  My brother, quickly opened his card, and began to read:  “On the first business day after Christmas you may take this card to the nearest supplier of hunting equipment and you my receive any hunting rifles and necessary equipment you may need to hunt, having one of anything normally required by a fully supplied hunter including camping equipment and meat prep equipment.

It was now exactly midnight.  Everyone in the house was crying, not knowing whether to accept all this as possible.

It was now Midnight and Christmas Day had arrived.   I handed he open box to my mother and said to her, “Mom, you are chosen to reach in and take the Green Card and hand it to me.  I can open my card no.

Mom reached into the box and took the Green Card and handed it to me.  I looked at the card for a few seconds and then in awe and wonder opened the card.  Pulling out the gift card, I read: “Michael, on the first business day after Christmas Day, you may take this card to the nearest provider of photographic, video equipment, development and print equipment. Plus any associated equipment needed to enlarge or change focal lengths like lens and filters.  You may also receive one astronomical piece of equipment in order to do astro photography.

All gifts must be acquired before the end of business on the first business day after Christmas Day ends.  DO not miss this window of opportunity or you will lose your gift forever.   Enjoy your gift, and learn to live the Christmas Spirit every day of your lives.

© 2017 MBARRYM

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Added on December 19, 2017
Last Updated on December 24, 2017



Chattanooga, TN

I am new to Writer'sCafe.Org. I am retired and in poor health, but I wanted to spend some time writing stories and poems that I have in the hopes that they will add some spice to someone's life. more..
