Infinate Vibrations

Infinate Vibrations

A Story by Madame

my theory on energy and it's role in our existence

Energy is vibration, consistent, steady.
Vibration no matter how subtle moves.
Every thing is symmetrical, atoms mimic solar systems and solar systems mimic molecules and so on.  If everything is symmetrical then so must vibrations be. Assuming this is so, the only way we could know anything is to know it's equal opposite, yin and yang; therefore, if there is to be a vibration then it's equal vibration must move symmetrically opposite. Creating force.
When you introduce force to something generally there is some reaction, say a greater movement, or possibly it will crack, break down and create smaller particles, which at it's core is also the same. It's composure would be the same as the original but smaller. Energy is constant.. in fact the only constant thing there is. It's movement is vibration and vibration moves everything, just as it moves through everything, like sound waves. We see things because of the vibrations created through forces of energy. We hear things because of the vibrations caused by force.
So if the beginning of all that we know is a big bang. The ultimate question after that is what was before the big bang, can we not assume that due to symmetry and vibration, that what came before is an exact replica of what came after. Hawking says that" if all universes are moving away from each other then we can assume that they were closer to each other millions of years ago. If that is the case then we can assume that at some point all universes were layered on top of each other". This was at the beginning of time when there was the big bang. Energy moving constantly creates vibration. and if all universes are that close to each other then the force between them must create friction. Friction creates heat and heat building up causes an eruption or an explosion. It is really just force magnified.. as vibration touches matter that matter puts off it's own vibration causing greater force which eventually has to go somewhere. outward?
So sets vibrations back to their original state.. moving equally and opposite of one another.. universes move outward. Now.. if infinity exists, and i assume it must. Then it has to loop, or else i would assume there would be a point in which it would no longer exist. This would negate infinity. So, as vibration moves the line or dimension on which it exists would surely warp or bend and eventually meet causing the loop. which  must exist to house infinity. As universes move away from each other they would adversely be moving toward each other, eventually meeting each other. "layering" up and then through their friction another bang would send them back out onto their new paths away and toward each other. So... if time, or energy is curved as  is  everything else, (Micro or macroscopic)  then we can assume that the universes traveling around curved time will come together again to "layer" on top of one another. Creating more friction and an identical reaction. Bang. they begin again, probably changed and on a new path, but away from and therefore toward each other again. There is no need to explain or question what happened before, we know that it is a loop which continuously repeats. Using this theory nothing has to exist except for energy. Energy creates force. Force creates heat. And somewhere in the existence of heat you must have in some way created matter.  Therefore there is only one necessary component for any life to exist... Energy.. Is energy therefore God. i guess you could call it that.

© 2011 Madame

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So masterfully told dear sis! Well done. Your "energy" amazes me. Keep on penning.

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very good story I could enjoy

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 26, 2011
Last Updated on June 26, 2011



Danville, KY

I am a chef and single mother of two. I love to write and have been for many years tho i very rarely make time to sit and write any more. I usually find inspiration when i am busy in the kitchen or mo.. more..

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had to vent had to vent

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