A Poem by Mark Manning

Forgive forget ...Love you ...spread the Love ...


Beautiful Atonement

We all have family stories ,time and life moves our family memories on.....but there comes a time when we stand still and recall the love that intrinsically binds us.

When we give ourselves a hard time and lay out all our failings before us as we try to sleep ....instead of counting sheep we count our mistakes, dwell on  guilty conscience our what I have done and what I have failed to to do ..doings ...perhaps we have hurt people in the run of the mill or closer to home ...perhaps we were just being ...but now are not liking who we were being  ...

In these times it is best to understand to err is to be human ...better still to listen to our inner voice and feel good that at least we are taking stock and for now there is a shortage .... a beautiful atonement is called for ....will you listen to the inner you ?...I know in you is a little girl or boy who did some real nice things you were never credited for ......I know in you is a better man or woman than you could ever consider to be.. you ....listen ...and know it to ....

If you want you can move out of that shadow now .....really NOW...wallow  no more, you can go to that man or woman you love or have hurt and tell them how sorry you are and how you want to make amends ....how you’ll behave to rebuild to share ....you can fix it if you want to ...life ...it goes on in truth and love ...you can begin your Beautiful Atonement .....begin now by loving you ...yourself ...by  taking heart ...by acting to repair committing to Love ...commit to Love to Love commit and free yourself right now in your uniqueness which you’ll contribute doing your share to make the world revolve in love passing to your children the golden whisper to forgive to forget to understand to catch a falling you and make you fly towards peace.

We all have family stories ,time and life moves our family memories on.....but there comes a time when we stand still and recall the love that intrinsically binds us.



Mark Manning


© 2010 Mark Manning

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Your words here are so wise and so true. It's so hard not to get caught up in the voices in our head and its almost always in the negative like you say. Love yourself first, forgive yourself and it seems to be one of the hardest things to do but can be so rewarding. And its not easy, either.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 25, 2010
Last Updated on November 25, 2010


Mark Manning
Mark Manning

Dublin, Ireland

I alway's had music in me .Yet could'nt sing a note or play an instrument.Discovered mixing technology & soundscapes .Still, it all begins with the written word ,before it even goes You Tube.So here's.. more..
