Extraterrestrial Girl

Extraterrestrial Girl

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This poem is a blend of love and science fiction.


Inspired by a dream

Wednesday night I had the strangest dream.

I remember the dream clearly and I’ll tell you about it.

In the dream, I know an extraterrestrial girl.

She’s a scientist with advanced technology.

And she seems to be the prettiest girl on earth.

The young alien girl is madly in love with me.


I was sitting at the girl’s desk with her in the lab.

She had on a long gold-coloured coat.

The girl was preparing to inject herself with an alien drug.

I asked her, “What are you doing?”

She said, “I have to do this to protect my baby.”

I said, “What baby are you talking about, are you pregnant?”


I thought she was just joking, but that wasn’t the case.

She smiled and quickly replied, “Yes, I am.”

Then I asked her, “Who is the father of the child?”

She answered me with one word, “You.”

And I said, “We never had sex, so how could that happen?”

She replied, “I drugged you and had sex with you.”


The girl shocked me, but I wasn’t angry with her.

I asked her, “How do you imagine this will turn out?”

A strange look suddenly came upon her face.

It seemed as if her features were changing.

She said, “I didn’t expect you to ask me that question.”

And I said, “Human girls think about these things.”


Someone else was in the well-lit room with us.

A man whom I knew was standing at my right hand.

He was listening to what the girl and I were saying,

But he didn’t take part in the conversation.

The man didn’t know that the girl was an alien being.

Moreover, the girl wasn’t paying attention to him.


The extraterrestrial girl injected herself with the alien drug.

And she achieved the result that she wanted.

Someone called her and she got up and left the lab.

The man who was standing there remained silent.

I loved the alien girl, and I was waiting for her to come back.

I wanted to see what would happen, but I woke up.

© 2024 Poet Pittinix

Author's Note

Poet Pittinix
This is a treat for straight women.

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Added on April 3, 2024
Last Updated on April 3, 2024
Tags: sci-fi, love, alien, scientist, baby


Poet Pittinix
Poet Pittinix

Kingston, West Indies, Jamaica

Hi everyone, I'm an author from Jamaica. I write poems, songs, and short stories. Do not send me any private messages. I came here to read and to publish my compositions, not to engage in controver.. more..
