My Lonely Heart (1996)

My Lonely Heart (1996)

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is the heart of the blues.


I sit quietly in the corner alone and hang my head in forlornness.

My lonely heart languishes for romance and companionship.

I have an urge to be intimate with someone of the opposite sex.

Is there not a single girl in the world who wishes to be with me?

Someday I shall find her even if she is far beyond the ocean.

And as long as she does not change, we will have a lasting love.


Tonight I worry once again, and I wonder how long I shall suffer.

A shooting star appears while I gaze at the heavens above.

I close my eyes and I envision a lovely girl standing in front of me.

I picture us with a perfect love, she loves me and I love her.

And I foolishly hope she will still be there when I open my eyes.

O Lord, please send this sweet and loving girl into my world.


They say that love is the most powerful thing in the universe,

Yet I cannot seem to find a girl to love me with sincerity.

Things never worked out with any of the girls I have loved before,

So I must turn to the girl who I fell in love with in my imagination.

Though she exists only in my head, I desire her charm and her love.

And I wish my erotic fantasies about her could turn into reality.


This is a boring life, I feel so discouraged, especially at bedtime.

I caress the soft pillow beside me as if it were a feminine body.

I deceive myself with the idea of loving the girl of my dream.

And I have an illusion that dreams can somehow come true.

I am waiting for her to come out of my dream and be with me,

But I am so far from realism as the planets are light years apart.


I believe that she is my only chance to experience happiness.

One day she will rush to my side and take away my sadness.

I would give anything for her love or even the touch of her hand.

In my sleep I stretch out my hands to feel her smooth, tender skin.

I have never wanted anything as badly as I want her love.

And I would rather have her in dreams than not have her at all.


This obliging cutie is always hanging around in my thoughts.

I can tell that she has a lonely heart and she needs love as I do.

She is seriously interested in me and she has a good motive.

Whenever I want to see her I just daydream or fall asleep.

I believe that she will materialise even if it does not happen soon,

So I shall keep dreaming about her until she becomes real.


Deceptive and manipulative girls heartlessly toyed with my emotion.

These heartbreakers and users merely feigned affection for me.

Nobody knows the pain of loneliness that I have borne silently.

I depend on the girl of my dream cos only she understands me.

My lonely heart is a consequence of solitude and unfulfilled desires.

And it appears that I shall never get the love I need so desperately.

© 2024 Poet Pittinix

Author's Note

Poet Pittinix
A tearjerker from the writer of the blues.

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Added on April 20, 2024
Last Updated on April 20, 2024
Tags: solitude, love, girl, sadness, daydream


Poet Pittinix
Poet Pittinix

Kingston, West Indies, Jamaica

Hi everyone, I'm an author from Jamaica. I write poems, songs, and short stories. Do not send me any private messages. I came here to read and to publish my compositions, not to engage in controver.. more..
