You're an Irreplaceable Treasure

You're an Irreplaceable Treasure

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is the blues.


Other loves have tried to seduce me,

But they just couldn’t charm my heart.


Ever since I surrendered to your love,

Nobody else can enthuse and excite me.


Other beauties have caught my eye,

But they're not as pretty as you are, Fíona.


There’s no woman for me but you.

I can’t succeed without you loving me.


Other arms have held me affectionately,

But I’d rather be embraced by your arms.


Tears have flowed down other cheeks,

But they don’t add up to my tears.


I’ve cried countless times since you left.

My love for you just refuses to expire.


If I could be with you for a thousand years,

The love in my heart would remain new.


Without a doubt, nothing can replace you.

Darling, you're an irreplaceable treasure.

© 2024 Poet Pittinix

Author's Note

Poet Pittinix
Let's have the blues, please.

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You just made me to cry. Even in bed it makes me cry when i touch him is it not true love i make to him, why doesnt he talk and meet me what is that it isstopping him.

Jessy jacob

Posted 3 Months Ago

Poet Pittinix

3 Months Ago

I appreciate the review.

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1 Review
Added on April 21, 2024
Last Updated on April 21, 2024
Tags: tears, love, beauties, charm, women


Poet Pittinix
Poet Pittinix

Kingston, West Indies, Jamaica

Hi everyone, I'm an author from Jamaica. I write poems, songs, and short stories. Do not send me any private messages. I came here to read and to publish my compositions, not to engage in controver.. more..
