Bubble and Cows

Bubble and Cows

A Poem by Mark Pearce

A line of thought. What isn't?



Bubble and Cows
© 2008    Mark Pearce

Jack Johnson –
In Between Dreams –
Cut two –
“Never Know.”
“But after all
We’re just a bubble.”
As in
“Bubbly Toes.”
In the past three years
I’ve written over
Two hundred poems
And I’ve never used the word
Jack Johnson uses the word
Quite frequently.
Prominently too,
So it seems.
Using word-frequency jumbo
I’d guess the
CIA could determine
That “Never Know” was penned
By Jack Johnson.
Perhaps it’s as telling as
An un-smudged fingerprint.
This all washes over me
As I sit on my front porch
Staring at the black-eyed susans
And purple bellflower
That punctuate my neighbor’s pasture.
Why Jack?
Why bubble?
Jack Johnson.
And who am I?
Mark Pearce
Husband and father.
Amateur lawn care technician.
Poet (questionable).
As I walk to the edge of the pasture
To relieve the pressure in my bladder,
I think to myself
How different we are –
This Jack Johnson and me.
Why Jack?
Why bubble?
Why Mark?
Why cows?                        

© 2008 Mark Pearce

Author's Note

Mark Pearce
If you read this backwards it will make little sense.

My Review

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You know I absolutely have to read a poem with cow in the title. I'm thinking men aren't so different. Mostly all the men I know wander off to relieve the bladder, thinking nobody else can see them with their behind the tree. I suspect men are much the same in Hawaii and Missouri and maybe Mesopotamia, too. I had never used the word Mesopotamia in a review before so I guess we're even.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


I love your author's note! Perfect ending! haha And, FYI, I love Jack Johnson. Try Banana Pancakes; it's wonderful! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC-KeoegcHg

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sort of an existential poem but the last two questions seem answerable. Why Mark? Why cows? Cows and Mark because Mark has more experience of cows than of bubbles. All the things that poets see and hear and feel go into the mix and come out as art. We can't paint cows, or sculpt them, most of us. But we've seen their placidity, their community, and their innate American regard for the moment. How can we not place them somewhere in our art. As to why is Jack Johnson the poet he is, and why are you the poet you are - it's a question we all ask ourselves. Why am I not like Rilke? I think you prove here that there is beauty in both Jack and Mark, bubbles and cows.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You know I absolutely have to read a poem with cow in the title. I'm thinking men aren't so different. Mostly all the men I know wander off to relieve the bladder, thinking nobody else can see them with their behind the tree. I suspect men are much the same in Hawaii and Missouri and maybe Mesopotamia, too. I had never used the word Mesopotamia in a review before so I guess we're even.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on August 25, 2008


Mark Pearce
Mark Pearce


I am happy to introduce the presentation line-up for the 2009 Montserrat Poetry Festival, to be held at Montserrat Vineyards, Montserrat, Missouri on Sunday afternoon, May 3rd, 2009. 2:00 pm Debo.. more..


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