I Could Do This

I Could Do This

A Poem by Mark Pearce

A field - with words written upon it.

I Could Do This
© 2008 Mark Pearce

I could tell you how I feel inside
but that wouldn’t be the same
as your feeling it.

I could jump
for no reason at all.
It would be surprising
but it would soon become expected.

I could matriculate –
numbers from
zero to infinity and back.
It might take a while.

I could dream of the oceans
but I’d probably wake up wet.

I could draw your face
on a sundial
and watch the shadow
creep over you.

I could call for room service
but, standing in a pasture,
I don’t think it would do much good.
Besides, the Brie served here
is a bit too fresh.

I could laugh at the cosmos
but I’d hate for the cosmos
to become self-conscious
and start slinking away.

As the master of MY universe
I could do all of these things today.

But there’s always tomorrow.

© 2008 Mark Pearce

Author's Note

Mark Pearce
See you in the afterlife.

My Review

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Featured Review

What I love about your poetry is the incidental (or perhaps not so incidental) humor woven into the serious thoughts.

"I could call for room service
but, standing in a pasture,
I don't think it would do much good."

Amid all the other insights, this one makes for the Mark Pearce moment - where we see not only the larger issues that concern the poet but also the sense of wry humor that allows the poet and the reader to keep both feet on the ground. There's a lot to think about in this poem; it's deceptively simple writing containing a lot of starting points for long thinking on long afternoons. Good work.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


very beautiful peice specially this part ''As the master of MY universe
I could do all of these things today.

But there's always tomorrow. ''

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What I love about your poetry is the incidental (or perhaps not so incidental) humor woven into the serious thoughts.

"I could call for room service
but, standing in a pasture,
I don't think it would do much good."

Amid all the other insights, this one makes for the Mark Pearce moment - where we see not only the larger issues that concern the poet but also the sense of wry humor that allows the poet and the reader to keep both feet on the ground. There's a lot to think about in this poem; it's deceptively simple writing containing a lot of starting points for long thinking on long afternoons. Good work.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tomorrow is as good a day as any.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on August 30, 2008


Mark Pearce
Mark Pearce


I am happy to introduce the presentation line-up for the 2009 Montserrat Poetry Festival, to be held at Montserrat Vineyards, Montserrat, Missouri on Sunday afternoon, May 3rd, 2009. 2:00 pm Debo.. more..


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