

A Poem by Mark Pearce

The day before All Saints Day



© 2008    Mark Pearce

Ghosts march freely
Up the lane,
Carrying bags weighted with
Formed and branded sugar.
We smile about that.

About the honesty and innocence
Crowding our door step.
The shuffling – the scuffling – for position.
To knock or ring?
That –
Is the question.
"Trick or treat.”
The time-honored call.
You’d think that eventually there’d be
A Shakespeare or a Longfellow
Among the bunch who would
Think of something new to say. 
But in the meantime
“Trick or treat” will do.
A comfortable phrase, in fact.
Now it’s our turn.
Load ‘em down.
Load ‘em down with so much candy
That half if it will be
Thrown away after
Sitting in a bag for three months.
That’s what this day is all about.
That, and wonder.
We slowly close the door
As the Martians and the goblins
And the presidents and the movie stars
And the killers and the princesses
Fade from the neighborhood.
Twenty Halloweens have passed together
And I still love you.
That’s kind of spooky.

© 2008 Mark Pearce

Author's Note

Mark Pearce
This could be something else...
But it isn't.

My Review

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This isn't what I expected from the title, "Halloween."
I loved the descriptions of the children. It made me remember why Halloween is my favorite day.

The ending was cute and unexpected.

Thanks for sharing!


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is so sensitive and so loving. You really captured the scene and the humour was great. I couldn't predict that end coming at all. I hope your partner really liked this poem.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on September 4, 2008


Mark Pearce
Mark Pearce


I am happy to introduce the presentation line-up for the 2009 Montserrat Poetry Festival, to be held at Montserrat Vineyards, Montserrat, Missouri on Sunday afternoon, May 3rd, 2009. 2:00 pm Debo.. more..
