Growing old

Growing old

A Poem by Mbabazi stellah

old bunny sat with remorse in the snow
wondering why one would grow
after all that life bestow
He stretched his hands onto a big branch below
thinking about how great life was some years ago,
and how alluring his skin would glow

Enraptured by the radiance of the snow,
he sung a song to the crow
telling him that he would soon go

Caressed by the falling snow,
he picked the ice to throw
Unto the sky below

Scared by the silence that would soon flow,
he grubbed his trumpet to blow

Starring at the snowy hills in sorrow,
he whispered to them that life is narrow

Looking at the heaven's row,
he pleaded for time to be slow

Watching the white devoid sky's show,
he wished for time to borrow,
but everything looked shallow
and natural it is to grow


© 2022 Mbabazi stellah

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Watching the white devoid sky's show,
he wished for time to borrow,
but everything looked shallow
and natural it is to grow

love this part, emotional read, but nicely written and expressed

Posted 1 Year Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 29, 2022
Last Updated on April 29, 2022


Mbabazi stellah
Mbabazi stellah

Kampala, Christian, Uganda

To me, poetry is a tunnel through which the weak portray their strength more..
