The World We Live In

The World We Live In

A Story by N3v3r_2_L@t3

Sin portrays a picture of the Earth, describing it fully. This is what that sin has created.


          I am the waker of the dead. When everyone is greiving over a loss, somewhere, there are people celebrating a birth, that I caused. I am the whisper of winter, when spring finally decides to rot away, into a white world of nothingness. The first breath of a newborn baby, soon to be the last he'll ever take. A bird's wings, spread wide and far, when takeoff comes to it's mind. I am the killer of all man kind, and no matter what, everyone, and everything who has ever come into this sinful world of existence, will come face to face, with death. And I have a job to do.

          No one knows how I came into existence. There are many theories. Some presume, with a hazy mind, that their so called 'God' made me. Others, acknowledge that I just was. Others still, refuse to acknowledge my existence, and name me as one of the stories  read to your child, when you want to put fear in their hearts. Only I know how I came into this poor, unfortunate world. And that secret, I will never tell.

          The soft wind blows softly through my body, leaving nothing to prove it was there. I stand in the middle of a crowded street, staring in disgust at the sin floating all around me. Thoughts crowd my mind, none of them belonging to me, all the crimes in the world portrayed into a motion pictue, in my head. Lust. 'Man I want a peice of that girl...' A lone man walks swiftly down the street, staring at some passing ladies. The scowl in disgust as he slowly runs his tounge across his upper lip in want. This man's heart is tainted black with lust.

           Adultery. 'Stop worrying yourself Jill, He's not going to find out!' A young woman and man walk side by side, hand in hand, a symbol of love to one another, expressed to everyone surrounding them. She glances nervously at him, and he gives her a small smile. Her heart is filled with guilt.

          Greed. 'Thats my toy!' A young boy, seperated from his parents carries with him a small blanket. An old man off the street, beard overgrown, voice scratchy from hunger. "May I please hold your blanket dear young boy?" He asks, holding out a hand to the boy in hopes of him not declinding his offer. The boy lookes down at the old man, then runs off. The old man sighs and falls back onto the crudely constructed cardboard box he uses to lie his head down at night. The young boy's heart will never contain as much love as it could.

          This is the world you humans live in. The world in which no one is safe. Where your best friends, the ones you share everything but a body with, can betray you in a heartbeat. Where children have to be locked inside their own homes, so they won't disapear. I stand in the middle of the street, staring with vacant eyes at the destruction humans have caused, both mentally, and physically in the world.

          Unfortunately, there is a punishment for the hideous crimes the world commits. I stare blankly at the old man across the street, head layed down on his box, hands curled around his forearms, in hopes of some warmth being created. His crusty eyes open and he stares strait at me. Slowly, I whisper, without making a sound. "Its time to go." He nods without question and gets up from his spot. Chaos insures all around him.

          A young woman lies by a replica of the old man's body, screaming, her hand planted firmly on his wrist. "He's not breathing!" she screams. Tears fall all around her for the man they did not know. He still walks towards me with unmoving eyes. When he reaches about a foot away from me, he stops, and stretches out his hand.

          His and my hands, slowly touch, and I pull him closer to me. With tears in his eyes, he whispers. "I'm ready." The sun slowly starts to sink over the horizon, creating a ripple effect in the sky. Colors blend together like a painting, one painted long ago, forced to repeat it's process over and over, each and every day. Sirens sound loudly in the background as me and the old man walk towards our final destination.

          The horizon line stays the same, as the sun remains half in the ground, and half out. We walk strait into the sun without a second thought, and I deposit him in his new home. That information, where he was taken, I am not able to give out at this precise second, for I do not know. Everything about me is a mystery. Even to me. 

          You know, I still remember the last words of the old man. Words that made me, the king of evil, of good, right and wrong, smile. He laughed merily, his breath smelling of liquor and grime. "Its funny actually. When I was born into my family, I was the one crying in the hospital, while my parents couldn't wipe the smile from their faces. Now that I'm dead, all those people back there are shedding tears for me." A wide smile spread across his face as we neared the sun. "I can't stop smiling!"




© 2008 N3v3r_2_L@t3

Author's Note

This portrayes a thought that was in my head one evening. I do not know what happens in the afterlife, and believe you me, this isn't one of my theories. I thought it'd be cool to write a peice like this.

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I liked the idea of this waker of the dead who takes deceased humans to their mysterious home in the afterlife. You wrote from the perspective of a character who'll be fascinating to many readers, especially since humans are so concerned with life after death. I applaud you for tackling such an enigmatic protagonist and a subject that most will find intriguing.

Here are some things that didn't work for me:
In the end your narrator says: (The horizon line stays the same, as the sun remains half in the ground, and half out. We walk strait into the sun without a second thought, and I deposit him in his new home.) -------------> That information, where he was taken, I am not able to give out at this precise second, for I do not know. Everything about me is a mystery. Even to me. Only I know how I came into this poor, unfortunate world. And that secret, I will never tell.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I liked the idea of this waker of the dead who takes deceased humans to their mysterious home in the afterlife. You wrote from the perspective of a character who'll be fascinating to many readers, especially since humans are so concerned with life after death. I applaud you for tackling such an enigmatic protagonist and a subject that most will find intriguing.

Here are some things that didn't work for me:
In the end your narrator says: (The horizon line stays the same, as the sun remains half in the ground, and half out. We walk strait into the sun without a second thought, and I deposit him in his new home.) -------------> That information, where he was taken, I am not able to give out at this precise second, for I do not know. Everything about me is a mystery. Even to me. Only I know how I came into this poor, unfortunate world. And that secret, I will never tell.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

oh wow. i loved that! i was kind of lost at the begining, but towards the end my heart dropped. it was just simply awesome. for a minute i thought this person was God, but as in the begining you mentioned that people have theories that God created this person, so i guess it can't be God. my next thought was the Devil, but nah i don't think so. i like how the point is distant and this person or whoever they are are witnessing these different people sinning, or that's what it seems like to me is happening.
all in all, i freakin loved it. although at the end i kind of cried =D

Posted 16 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on April 1, 2008



Nonyabusiness, GA

I love to write, and have been writing for around...only a year, but i still love it. I'm new to all this sharing your writing stuff, and last time i tried to, all my writing got deleted, and i had ab.. more..
