I May Not Have An Ounce of Humanity.

I May Not Have An Ounce of Humanity.

A Poem by Melody

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I like that I can wonder around,

Be myself and be judged and not give a s**t.

I like that I can go through narrow alley ways,

And not one man will touch me.


I'm a very threatening person.

I've been told I look intimidating,

But I've been told, by the same person, that they were shocked about how selfless I was...

Wanna know what I told her?

I told her, how can I be selfless when I mention myself in every other sentence?

"Because, you turn your selfishness into kindness and loveliness like a rose,

You use your selfishness to be selfless."


I got told by my best friend,

"Melanie, you may not think you have an ounce of humanity in you,

But you have the kindest heart and soul and personality that I've ever seen."


I may not have think I have an ounce of humanity...

I may not have an ounce of humanity.


I read in a poem,

That a friend had dedicated to me,

"You may not have an ounce of humanity,

But Melanie, you have ten pounds of humanity inside of you."


I find it amazing of what people think of me,

Of how high their thoughts tower about mine,

And yet I think....

"How can they think that about me....And yet be the ones saying it..

And think so lowly of themselves..."


I told my grandma once,

"In order for a person to fall in love with me,

They must have lots of insanity and not know where to put it."



I told my friend once,

"Don't think so low of yourself,

You tower so much higher than the tallest tower built."

"But Mel..Which tower is that? ...Is that tower you?"

"No...I'm nowhere near that tower's height, because that tower is you."


I may not have an ounce of humanity ....

But I have a heart of a cat,

A soul as strong as a whale,

And a mind more insane than Joker.


I may not have an ounce of humanity....

But I know that I'm just as human as the person next to me...

....There is not a person beside me..

© 2012 Melody

Author's Note

uhh...I don't know.

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you're writing has changed a lot since your earlier stuff. you developed really well!

"How can they think that about me....And yet be the ones saying it..
And think so lowly of themselves..."

amen. couldn't agree more with that. well done melody!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks DatVirgo. I'm glad you liked it. :) And I'm glad that you think my writing has developed. Lol.. read more
Like Harley said, interesting write.
This is so brilliantly written, I just can't figure out why. You have a great gift Melody.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

haha! Thanks. :)
Cool. I like the part about biking more insane than a joker because I can really relate to that! Lol interesting write. I like it

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Haha! Thanks! :)

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3 Reviews
Added on July 1, 2012
Last Updated on July 1, 2012




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