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A Poem by Mey

This was going to be on Facebook
For that is the place for profound thought in this modern age.
I pour myself out, spilling my essence into a digital plane
For a few likes.
That’s not what I want.
I want you to care,
To actually care.
Not that kind of caring where you point it out to your friends
As you all sit around and eat your fast food.
This is not fast food brilliance
I want that collage level understanding
Where you look past these jumbled metaphors
And see the deeper meaning.
Look into my soul and tell me what you see.
Sure at the end of the day does it really matter where I gain that recognition?
But I like to think it matters.
I strive to be more,
To be that deep thought that changes your life and makes the world a better place.
But I know at the end of the day,
I’ll post the link on my wall.
So like this and show me you care.

© 2012 Mey

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Added on June 4, 2012
Last Updated on June 4, 2012




I like to think of myself as a dark and talented individual. I like to think that what I write matters to someone. I like to think that by writing that someone, somewhere, will enjoy what I’ve w.. more..

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