The Hair Gel Incident

The Hair Gel Incident

A Story by Michael Gentry

Kyrian's unfortunate experiment with "hair care" products


Waking up early this morning I decided I want to try something different. Quietly sliding out of bed I make my way to the bathroom. Once inside there I stare at my reflection thinking what can I do differently with my hair.

Grabbing the hair gel out of the cabinet I start experimenting with different looks. Having never put this type of product in my hair I'm not sure what to expect. I continue to experiment, growing more and more frustrated with each failed attempt. After 20 minutes of failure after failure I finally give up vowing silently to myself to never attempt this again.

Stepping over and turning on the shower still grumbling under my breath, I need to relax, need to calm down. Grabbing the bottle of shampoo I start washing out this evil invention that was put on this earth only to torment me. As the heat from the shower and the scent of the shampoo slowly invade my senses I start to feel myself relax, become whole again.

Stepping out of the shower and toweling off I noticed that Amanda is standing in the hallway with the camera and her hand. "how long have you been standing there" I ask her. With a wicked grin on her face she says "long enough to take some good blackmail photos." I let out a laugh from deep in my chest knowing this woman would never have to blackmail me for anything. I would give her the universe just to see the smile she had upon her face right now.

Stalking up the hallway towards her, the towel low on my hips, I take her in my arms and slowly slide my hand from the small of her back to the nape of her neck kissing her deeply, letting my entire being fill that one kiss. Pulling back I look her in the eyes and ask "would you like to take a bath."

Taking Amanda's hand I lead her to the tub and have her sit on the edge as I go about preparing her bath. After adjusting the water to the perfect temperature, I start to add the oils and bubbles. Wanting to make this a truly sensual experience I grabbed the lighter from beside the tub and start lighting the candles.

Turning off the water I slowly walked behind Amanda, wrapping my arms around her waist I slowly untied the knot to her robe. Sliding back to stand in front if her, I slowly slide my hands inside her robe and pull her to me. Kissing her shoulder, then her neck up to her ear lobe all the while sliding her robe off her shoulders that lands in a crescent shape around her feet.

Picking Amanda up and cradling her to my chest I bring her to the edge of the bathtub and gently lower her in. Seeing the look of bliss on my wife's face I lean down and kiss the top of her head and whisper in her ear "would you like some company."

© 2014 Michael Gentry

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1 Review
Added on May 20, 2014
Last Updated on June 29, 2014


Michael Gentry
Michael Gentry

Los Banos, CA

I'm new to writing, I've only been writing stories for less than a year, and look forward to the feedback I'll receive from this site. more..
