Love Stronger than Time

Love Stronger than Time

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Love Stronger than Time
by Victor Hugo
loose translation by Michael R. Burch
Since I first set my lips to your full cup, 
Since my pallid face first nested in your hands,
Since I sensed your soul and every bloom lit up--
Till those rare perfumes were lost to deepening sands;
Since I was once allowed those pleasures deep--
To hear your heart speak mysteries, divine;
Since I have seen you smile, have watched you weep, 
Your lips pressed to my lips, your eyes on mine;
Since I have sensed above my thoughts the gleam
Of a ray, a single ray, of your bright star
(If sometimes veiled), and felt light--falling--stream
Like one rose petal plucked from high, afar; 
I now can say to time's swift-changing hours:
Pass, pass upon your way, for you grow old;
Flee to the dark abyss with your drear flowers,
but one unmarred within my heart I hold.
Your flapping wings may jar but cannot spill
The cup fulfilled of love, from which I drink;
My heart has fires your frosts can never chill,
My soul more love to fly than you can sink.

© 2019 Michael R. Burch

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Added on September 2, 2019
Last Updated on September 2, 2019