Wolf In Deed

Wolf In Deed

A Poem by Michele Carelse

Wolf in Deed
In sheep's clothing you came bouncing in the door
Smiling all wooly and prodigal and seeking embrace

The atmosphere tense and thick you came tripping
over the threshold as if it were your own to cross
Your child full of pain incognito
The space constricting around your cheery greeting
Met with empty eyes and the ghosts of twenty years past

You are lost and foresaken
Without a soul
in your body to call your own
The husks of a million lies lie scattered around you

The splinters of people past stuck in your feet
You touch on the familar and the ordinary as if it were a lifeline
A crutch for your emptiness
Yet nothing gels and the mercury shifts around you
Your aura muddied and toxic as a cesspool

Where is the God who ruled your life with an iron fist
Who now punches you in the gut
and ensnares your soul?
Your God is not my god, thank God.

No soft and friendly sheep are you
but a wary wolf
with empty eyes and absent heart
A wolf in deed
slinking between the shadows
of your former life.

And I can but wonder how it is that
I never saw this wolf in sheep's clothing before.
How glad I am to find
no pawprints remaining in the morning dew
no wolf no sheep no nothing
in my heart for you.

© 2009 Michele Carelse

Author's Note

Michele Carelse
This one still needs a little work, but comments/input will be valued

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A fantastic write, totally loved the last three lines, great reading.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 30, 2009


Michele Carelse
Michele Carelse

Cape Town, South Africa
