The Horror of the Mother

The Horror of the Mother

A Story by Mike

I took a fiction writing class this summer. and the teacher, gave me a story with an introduction that he made up. But any hew. This is what I came up with. (Note: This is just a short story)


The rain was so heavy outside, it was 11:00 pm and I was getting ready for a good night's sleep. As the rain contuined to penetrate the window there was a knock at the front door, I proceeded downstairs to the door and opened it. It was my mother...Oh how I loathed her!

It wsa me who spoke first when I said, "Mom...hi, what...what are you doing here?"

"Don't you remember? I said I was coming for a visit." My mother responded

"Yes mom, I do remember. But you said you would be coming for a visit in December and it's May!"

I hated my mom sometimes. She was one of thoes people that looked like they could be out of some old horror movie. She had huge wrinkles under her eyes, and she caked on the makeup si much she almost looked like a clown...but much more scary, she was short, and kind of plump. She was even scarier when she appeared at my doorstep at 11 at night!

"It's not May my sweaty, like I said...It's December." My Mother responded interruping my thoughts.

"Fine Mother. Come on in. Stay a while will ya'?" I said sarcastically.

"Thank you. Now that is a much better way to treat the elderly."

"You're only 46 Mom."

"and getting older every day."

I could tell just then that this was going to be a long few days.

© 2008 Mike

Author's Note

Please ignore my grammatical errors. I am kind of a bad speller and often miss my mistakes.

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Added on July 21, 2008
Last Updated on November 16, 2008



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