Sotto Voce

Sotto Voce

A Poem by Montag


Sotto Voce




Help.  The Illuminati

are hiding in my bathroom near the potty

listening in on conversations

undermining our foundations

and I’m pretty sure it’s Kamala Harris

out there with a syringe on the terrace

plotting to inject in me a microchip

how perfectly the pieces of the puzzle fit.

They try to make me think the way I oughtta

but on Facebook and on Twitter I’ve been taught a

president has not been legally elected

if his opponent finds the outcome unexpected

and their despotic geo-engineered agenda

was predicted by my next-door neighbor Brenda

who knows a guy in lingerie at Bloomingdales

who's figured out that jet exhaust and chemical trails

have jeopardized our morals and our thinking

and though Brenda says that he was winking

as he spoke

that may have been a pre-determined masterstroke

to throw pursuers off the scent

by signaling the opposite of what he meant

and if you say my proof is insufficient

can you establish that it didn’t

happen how I just explained it?

As I pointed out at my arraignment:

under lawful rules of info-grifter-tainment

I can don a bright red baseball cap

to tell a camera that the earth is flat.

That’s what men like Lincoln died for

it’s what the Stars and Stripes provide for.

My voice will not be whispered anymore.

© 2024 Montag

My Review

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As funny as this is the scary part of this is how true these words are. There are actual people who totally believe this crazy stuff. What makes it even more insane is they look normal on the outside until they open their mouths and reveal how bat s**t crazy they truly are. Despite the actual plague killing us the real killers helping it are social media like Facebook and Twitter. Those companies are a scourge upon society. Thank you Montag for sharing this truthful poem.

Posted 2 Years Ago


2 Years Ago

Thanks for your kind words Carlos.
Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

2 Years Ago

No need to thank me. I enjoy your art because it is filled with truth and comes from a person who is.. read more

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1 Review
Added on August 10, 2021
Last Updated on May 19, 2024



Oakland, CA


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