You Won't Understand

You Won't Understand

A Poem by Mr Whiskers

Something out of reach
Isn't that so cliché
Something inside of me
Born not to decay
But to live
In me, through me
Not for me

Hollow only inside
Isn't it just too perfect
Darker than the pressing night
Yet glowing here
In moonlight
Luminescent without a purpose

How like we are unto puppets
Dancing on a rickety stage
Thrashing in our pleasure
Frolicking with our rage
Only for the audience
Our ears are too wooden to hear

The applause
Every day growing
Until the roar is everywhere
And becomes itself a whisper
As though it shouts from a distance

A plague, this memory
Cold and biting
Yet warm like blood
before it dries
Cracking and brown like caked mud

Hollow in my memory
Filling out my nightmares
Risen as a goblin unnamed
Hovering as spector untamed
Knowing only what it should not

© 2008 Mr Whiskers

Author's Note

Mr Whiskers
I'm still unsure about the ending, something about this doesn't seem finished...I'll be coming back to it once I figure it out.

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it feels that way, unfinished. Like its missing somenthing to fully transmit the feelings you are working with, but its still an exelent piece.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...


1 Review
Added on July 6, 2008


Mr Whiskers
Mr Whiskers

New Albany, IN

I'm 22yrs old, a redheaded female living in southern Indiana. I have a 5yr old daughter Ellie and 3yr old daughter Emma, and my life is getting better now that I have returned to the Love of my life. .. more..
