To my Twin Flame

To my Twin Flame

A Poem by Aurora Rose

Dear Twin Flame,

I want you to know that my heart speaks five different languages and all of them is fluent in the language of love

Id want you to know that its not  your body that I crave against mine .. Its your soul  as we sail the galaxies

To my twin flame Id want you to know that if I could walk on water, I would walk an ocean for you..

Instead of giving you the sun and the moon, I would help you create our own..

There would be no room for judgment when we shatter society’s expectations like a mirror hanging from the ceiling. Piercing the unexpected souls in the lost temples of Hades..  

We would tear down the walls and pick up the rubble that would dissipate into the Sandman’s timer..

Id want you to know that when I cry my tears,  they are raindrops that tells a story.. each more translucent than the last.

Id want you to know that I was a prisoner in my own mind, decaying in the regret of unspoken words of yesterday and that being set free has not only helped me regain consciousness but revived my heart as well…  And that is why I am open to loving you

I don’t ask for much just that faithfulness, and honestly is in the cards.. Do not play me to be a fool for I am the dealer of my own hand and if looks could kill it would be the face I play upon the poker table that would stab like an unexpected knife into your chest..

I healed my own heart, I placed the gold into the cracks and created beauty in the breakdown… So you can put down the glue

To my twin flame.. You are intoxicating.. but my lungs do not feed on oxygen… It is fueled by the rays of light that can only be produced by own essence.

I’d want you to know that no matter where I am , you know where to find me.. all you have to do is go outside.. I’m lighting the whole damn earth..

I can accept the fact that you may come and go.. We’ve been together for many past lives. and I know all your quirks.. the problem is you don’t know any of mine.. Don’t be afraid to dive into the deep end that’s where you will find my sunken ship… its worth the pearls

I can hear you from miles away.. our minds have synched into one… We are two flames who areone in the same… The light and the dark.. We are the disease and the cure..

Finally I want you to know I love you more than the Moon loves the Sun and he dies each day for her to live…

© 2015 Aurora Rose

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Added on December 7, 2015
Last Updated on December 7, 2015


 Aurora Rose
Aurora Rose

Mexico , MO

I am a mother of four, a writer, poet, lover and cancerian more..
