Whose dreams?

Whose dreams?

A Story by Helena

It’s a beautiful sunrise, open your eyes… let’s dance and jump and be crazy sometimes. It’s a beautiful sunrise and you should also rise and open your eyes…

It’s a beautiful life to live and be happy! So many beautiful things constantly happen, you just got to be awake, open up your eyes, and you just got to see it yourself!!

It’s a wonderful sunshine; it plays on your face, it tickles your smile, it touches your lips, it warms up your pale skin, gives it the color of life, so why don’t you open your eyes!  There are so many challenges yet to embrace and fight them! There are so many words to say and forget them, so many songs to sing and dances to dance, so many minutes of being insane of being yourself along with me, together with me, forever with me…

Don’t you want to? Look around! The world is alive, it’s breathing its rushing it’s never stopping and never observing it constantly going forward, it is taking you away from yourself… Ahhh I know you! You are so crazy; you don’t want this world you want another one, without the people and words and dances, and challenges to fight!

Then let me into your dream, let me be there with you! What do you have there! Oh wow! You have no sunrise but only stars and the moon! The light is so milky and stars are so shiny and dreams are so peaceful and true… Feels real you know? Feels warm and safe…  We can dance and jump we can sing and cry we can even get wings and fly! We can be happy and this is so tangible! And I look at you, I feel your breathe. Your skin is still pale this moon makes it ghostly! I can almost touch you but you fade away… You left me inside your dreamy day …or night… I am lost! Am I in your dream or you are in mine? Who should open now their eyes? And where is the sunrise… oh you cheated me?  You dragged me here … sweet illusion of peace. But I love this moon so stay with me please in this night with its stars and fake moonlight and you. Who cares now who dreams about whom… Let’s never wake up and stay likes this. We will never risk losing what we love people we care for and things we long for! I will always be smiling for you and you will be my ghostly illusion, my only connection to the real world, and I will not remember that reality exists, that people feel sorrow even on sunny days because my moonlight and stars will cover all darkness, all sadness that the sunlight can’t take away…

    I heard a voice that touched my ears gently “open your eyes, the sunrise is amazing, coffee is ready and is waiting for you”.   Eyes were wide open, reality came in; I realized that this was a dream, and moon and the stars and the ghostly illusion, a sweet peace and the night had faded away… But the feeling of crazy, crazy delusion will hunt me for days… 

Days would promise us sun but rain falls at times, night promises stars but clouds hide their light… My thoughts are insane, messy unreal. My dreams even more …  

© 2015 Helena

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Added on October 3, 2015
Last Updated on October 3, 2015



Yerevan, Armenia

You can wear the mask in front of the entire world, but at night when going to sleep you take it off and confess your misery to yourself, for that is the only prayer and salvation that is the only con.. more..

Whose dreams? Whose dreams?

A Poem by Helena