Split in Two

Split in Two

A Poem by Mutley

The fulcrum of my conundrum.


And here I sit,

Alone and confused,

My heart split between two,

Stretched so far that I’m alone.


It is impossible to choose,

One wins and the other loose.

I don’t want tears,

No pain and denial,

I am not an envoy of reject,

And I cannot select.


I am gifted with two,

And cursed with two.

One too few.

Pain undue.


Do I love them both?

Or is this a false oath?

My heart is weaker in two,

Than whole anew.

Why can’t there be only one?

Two is even worse than none.


Each lie,

Sends my mind awry,

I can’t take it anymore,

I cannot ignore this deplore.


I am stretched so far,

These lines may snap,

And I will be flung afar.

Away from both in this widening gap.

This land of nowhere,

Full of isolated despair.

Foreign sounds of flightless birds,

Where a solitaire cries my widowing tear.

© 2010 Mutley

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Hell of a dilemma but I like it, great write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Beautifully written. I loved it. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow, amazing I really do love the figurative language in this, its breathtaking. The only thing I might suggest, is that the rhymes seem a little to perfect, but other than that absolutely impeccable, :-)

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is great. I love it! The beginning is great and the metaphor about the land of nowhere just tops it all off. You're very talented. Awesome write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on April 5, 2010
Last Updated on April 5, 2010



Chesterfield, VA

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