Could You

Could You

A Poem by Mysty Rayn

Could you believe in me,

In my dreams and all I want to be?


Could you mate my soul,

Even though life has taken its toll?


Could you forgive my past,

Since my mistakes have been many and my wrong turns vast?


Could you embrace all that I am,

Knowing that I’m weak and I can hardly stand?


Could you search my spirit,

Knowing it’s full of happiness each time you come near it?


Could you respect my what’s in my mind,

Even the jumbled thoughts you may find?


Could you believe in me,

And love every part of what you see?



-Mysty Rayn


© 2008 Mysty Rayn

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To be loved for all that we are, it is what we all wish for and you have expressed it very well here. Endearing and at the same time it fans the flames of longing, nicely done.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Another lovely write! I wish I could ask that of a lover. Wouldn't it be nice if those things were a given? We all just want to be excepted for who we are. I fall into that category. Thank You for writing it down and doing it so wonderfully.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Yes, this is the heart cry of every person who has loved or sought to BE loved... with the shyness of a little child, we look into the eyes of the Other and hope to see loving acceptance there.
I am soon going to repost a short work that I did about a gardener and a rose. It seems to apply to this lovely poem so well. Hope you will enjoy it.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Deep questions that offer the truth of yourself as well. Hoping that in the face of these things of you you would be valued. There is a strain here of fear of the answer hiding behind these questions. Hence the honest enumeration of what you see as your faults so that later he can't be surprised by them. I like the simple straight-forwardness...good.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on July 18, 2008
Last Updated on July 20, 2008


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