For the Love of Him

For the Love of Him

A Story by Nadia6991

Relationships will soon fade away, but a good friend will always be there...





     “Catch me if you can!” Six year old Adrienne White shrieked to her friend Tiffany Dawson.

        She darted behind a big oak tree and waited for her friend to come find her. The girls had been consumed in a serious game of Hide-N-Seek, and Tiffany had been it for at least ten minutes. Sweat soon accumulated on Adrienne’s brow as the scorching July sun berated down on her and everyone else in Central Park. She wished Tiffany would hurry up and find her, but a sudden shout from Tiffany’s mother left her with no hope.

      “Tiff’! Sweetheart, it’s time to go.” Mrs. Dawson called to her daughter.

      Tiffany quickly gave up her search for Adrienne and raced into her mother’s opened arms. Mrs. Dawson picked up Tiffany and said, “Did you have fun, Sweetie?”

     Tiffany just nodded as they both went off into the distance. Adrienne came from behind the tree and watched as they walked away leaving her by herself. She frowned at the thought that there was no one left to play with now that Tiffany was gone.

    Adrienne slowly began to make her way back her parents, but she soon realized that no trail or direction seem familiar. She and Tiffany must have been too distracted by the game that they both had wandered off far from their usual allowed play area. Tiffany was lucky enough to have her mother find her, but Adrienne was all alone and terribly lost. Everywhere she turned all there was were trees, empty benches, and smiling families- though none belonged to her.

      Adrienne soon became overwhelmed with panic and worry as she searched helplessly for her parents.

      “Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?” She called as loud as her shrill voice would allow. But no one returned her frantic calls.

     Adrienne wandered farther within the park in hopes of spotting her mother and father waiting for her to come back to them. But instead, all she found was disappointment and fear. Adrienne soon stopped at a cemented bench and wearily took a seat. She tried her best to choke back the tears that were fighting ever so hard to escape her eyes. But she wouldn’t let them. Adrienne was a big girl and she wouldn’t allow herself to cry over something so silly.

          Unfortunately, after a while, Adrienne stopped fighting back and she let the shameful tears fall freely down her plump cheeks. She hiccupped as she began to cry harder.

     There’s nothing else to do but cry”. Adrienne thought to herself.” I’m so lost.”

Then, suddenly, a warm hand grasped her shaking shoulder and a soft voice spoke.

     “Hey, little girl, what’s wrong?”

Adrienne looked up and her puffy, red eyes met those of a cute, Caucasian boy who could be no younger eleven years old. He had the most adorable brown eyes Adrienne had ever seen.

      She fiercely wiped her wet eyes with the back of her hand and stared at the unfamiliar face.

       “I can’t find my mommy and daddy.”  Adrienne blurted out.

The boy took a seat by Adrienne and studied her with a kind and knowing look.

      “Well, what’s your name?” He asked

Adrienne swallowed. “Adrienne Estella White.”

       The boy smiled. “That’s a beautiful name,” he gushed. “I’m Raheem Holloway. Do you want me to help you find your parents?”

     Adrienne nodded excitedly. “Please, help me. I’m so lost.”

Raheem took Adrienne’s small hand and guided her off the bench.

   “Where’s the last place you saw them?” He asked her.

Adrienne told Raheem that she had last seen her parents sitting by the playground on the west end of the park.

     “Do you know where West is?”

Adrienne shook her head no. “I just read it on a sign.”

   Raheem nodded intently. “I think I might know where that sign may be.”

He led her down a paved pathway that opened up  to reveal a play area with various jungle gyms, sets of swings, benches, basketball courts, and picnic areas.

Adrienne’s solemn expression quickly lit up at the sight of the familiar place. Her ears opened up with alertness when she heard her name being called repeatedly in multiple shouts.

      “Adrienne! Adrienne! ‘Ade, Honey, where are you?” Her parents frantically called out searching everywhere for her.

      Raheem smiled down at Adrienne as he pointed toward a couple scurrying about in a pursuit to find their daughter.

     “I think that’s them.”

     Adrienne released Raheem’s hand and raced to her parents who welcomed her with relieved sighs and a scolding for running off without warning.

      “Oh, Adrienne, baby we were worried sick about you! Don’t you ever scare Mommy like that again. Do you hear me?” Mrs. White replied rocking Adrienne back and forth in her arms.

      “Don’t worry, Mommy. Raheem took good care of me.” Said Adrienne.

“Who’s Raheem?” Asked Mr. White.

       Adrienne lifted her hand and pointed towards Raheem who stood watching from afar by the water fountain. Mrs. White and Mr. White walked over to him and smiled proudly.

     “Thank you, young man for getting our daughter back to us safely. How could I ever repay you?” Mr. White asked so grateful that he had Adrienne back.

      Raheem lifted up his hands in protest to such a heroic act. “It was my pleasure, sir, really.”

     Adrienne jumped down from her mother’s arms and sprinted to Raheem’s side.

“Can I play with him, Mommy?” She urged eagerly.

     Mr. White and Mrs. White exchanged glances.

“I don’t see why not.” Mrs. White replied.

    “Go ahead, Pumpkin.  Have fun, just don’t wander off again. You two play near the jungle gym and nowhere else.”  Mr. White said sternly.

     Raheem and Adrienne raced off to the jungle gym together. Adrienne turned to him when they reached the Monkey Bars.

    “Let’s be friends.” She offered holding up her pinky.

Raheem linked his pinky with hers and promised, “Yea, Best Friends Forever”….

© 2010 Nadia6991

My Review

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Very good work. You might want to use longer paragraphs when the scene and actions are related. Try to use less commas in your sentences. for example, instead of saying "Then, suddenly," Just use "Suddenly,"

Posted 13 Years Ago

kool, i like it. its a really delightful read. the only things i spotted was just some grammatical errors. looking forward to reading more ^_^

P.S could you read some of my stories? I'd love some feedback.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 21, 2010
Last Updated on December 21, 2010



Linden, AL

heyyy, it's nadia :). i'm 14 years old and currently a student at sweetwater high school.. i have 2 on/off bff's jaslyn and johnisha that i love till death. i love having a good time, writing my own s.. more..