Princess & Poor Boy

Princess & Poor Boy

A Poem by NamelessBeast.

Princess & Poor Boy


The moon stared down on the glinting ocean, 

Waves gently hitting the soft, wet, warm sand. 

A fair little princess sits in her castle, up high, 

Waiting for the day that she'll rule the land. 


The same moon shines down on a small town, 

Loud drunk singing echoed down the street, 

Looking out his window, the poor boy waits,

He stays up when everyone else is asleep,


The sun shines and the little princess awakes, 

She laughs at the little birds that sit outside, 

Singing their hearts away reminds her of love, 

She hides her loneliness behind her pride, 


Little boy jumps up, she's past coming today! 

The little princess is driving through town!

Poor boy runs through the streets, quickly!

He's only one of many looking at the crown. 


Little princess sit's up, what was it she saw? 

Poor boy leans forwards looking for the girl, 

Their eyes meet and for one spilt second, 

Together they rule their own world. 

© 2011 NamelessBeast.

My Review

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This is a great poem, honestly. The difference of a princess and a poor boy combined into one poem "sharing their own world," is magnificent. A beautiful poem, I must say. Great job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 21, 2011
Last Updated on December 21, 2011



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