I Would If I Could

I Would If I Could

A Poem by NamelessBeast.

I Would If I Could; This one's more personal then a lot of others, I wrote this for a long distance girlfriend of mine who I'm still friends with. I'm just keeping it because it reminds me of her.

I would hold you close
And I'd whisper in your ear, 
I'd tell you that you're mine,
So you've got nothing to fear. 
I'd tell you only the truth, 
Like I'd rather die then hurt you, 
I would... If I could. 

I'd tell you I love you, 
And that you're priceless, 
I'd tell you you're stunning, 
Even when you're a mess,
I'd tell you that you're perfect, 
Entwining our fingers, 
Well, I would, if only I could. 

I would have you in my arms, 
I'd play with your hair, 
I'd sweep you off your feet, 
Straight into the air, 
I'd show you the whole world, 
After all it's yours and mine,
Well, if I could, I would. 

I would kiss your soft lips, 
I'd stare into your eyes, 
I'd tell you only the truth, 
You've heard too many lies, 
I'd call you my Princess, 
Because that's what you are... 
I would, if I could... 

And I promise, I will. 

© 2011 NamelessBeast.

Author's Note

I never fulfilled that promise... It broke my heart that I couldn't. - I've been asked about that before, I decided to tell you instead of letting you ask.

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What a beautiful poem... I've read as much but I felt such strong emotions reading this one. You've done great.

Posted 12 Years Ago

its a very well writen poem. i love it. you're a talented writer

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very simple but powerful and like stated before, the audience can relate, has she ever read this poem? Also, you're choice of words is pretty solid, I read it and get the jist that each have a profound meaning of their own to you.

Posted 12 Years Ago

the waiting - the waiting on the edge of something that could be so beautiful -- and the possibilities of a boudless love is all fasicinating to concider when verbalized like you have so verbalized it all ---- and yet there is shadows - something expected in the giving - that gives the poem a fathomless depth --

Posted 12 Years Ago

beautifully written. this poem can relate to anyone really. i love it

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on December 22, 2011
Last Updated on December 22, 2011



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