I Miss You

I Miss You

A Poem by Nekesa Sepiwe

Not so much a poem as a pondering, but there is no tab for that..


I Miss You…

I need you

I need you like

bees need intercourse with the rose

like the rose needs the kiss of the sun

like sun needs to tango with the bashful moon

on the stage of a star studded indigo sky

I miss you

I miss you like

like a mother misses the giggles of a dying child

like that child misses the mud squishing between toes

like the earthen soil misses the whisper of breath in

the lightness of wide open spaces

From the bottom of my feet to

the diadem of my heavenly temple

To the deepest abyss of my soul

I miss you

I miss the thunder of your voice whispering my name

the meter of your steps hastening towards me

the clutch of your arms around my world

the touch of your sweet lips to mine

I miss you

I miss you

I miss you

And yet

we have never met

at least not in this world

Could it be that

when we both danced

in the sea of consciousness we

knew then that we

were meant to be we

conscious bound

although our birth into life’s trance

made us forget home

we remember

we relive

we rejoice in the moments we

spent together

if only by way of the soul

of a world I no longer remember

from a time that is etched in clouds

you still hold me in your mystical embrace

I remember you

and I miss you

On the lonely shores of my mind


I sift through the waves of uncertainty


Waiting for your return so that

You and I/ I and you/ we

may become we again

© 2011 Nekesa Sepiwe

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Added on September 29, 2011
Last Updated on September 29, 2011


Nekesa Sepiwe
Nekesa Sepiwe


A visual artist for over four decades, but now venturing into painting stories by way of words instead of paintbrushes. My literary journey began after my travels to South Africa in 1995. Much like t.. more..
