Secrets of a Girl

Secrets of a Girl

A Poem by NeverShoutAlex

Just Secrets that most dont know, and you DEFINETLY dont know :)


Im Afraid of the Dark

I've thought of self-injury

I've acted on that thought

I wanna be a doctor, not a writer, but that doesnt matter to anyone else

I Cant hear 30% of the day

I might be in LOVE

But he's in love with someone else

^Who Broke his Heart^

Sometimes, i wish i could be a *popstar*

^But no one thinks i could do it^

I think I'm Depressed

^I would never tell anyone that though^

I have so many health issues

^That I've lost count^

I Love Gregg Sulkin *Actor*

^He's Gorgeous^

Im afraid of loosing it all

I act cheery

^When i feel the worst inside^

I LOVE Screamo Music

Im Un-Orginized with most things

^But other things im Obbsessive with Clean^

Heart Break, scares me

I keep having nightmares of drowning

I have an unusually high IQ (146)

Without Music, I'd be dead already


These are some things, people dont know about me.

But now at least someone knows.


Double Life Girl- Blog on Tumblr

NeverShoutAlex- Writer's Cafe Acount, Yahoo Answers acount, and Myyearbook acount


Death Could Be Any Day, Just Make That Day Count~ Double Life Girl

© 2010 NeverShoutAlex

Author's Note

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I agree Gregg Sulkin is one of the HOTTEST people in this world =)
I'm scared of the Dark too. But my imaginary friend, Joey, says it's okay.
You need a Joey in your life :D
My Suprcool Stationary and Reading Books are all pefect on my bookcase.
My Bed, and everything surrounding my bookcase,....not so much :/
Thanks for being somewhat like me, except the IQ thing.
I'm not dumb, but not THAT smart :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Cookie-Eater You ar very awesome :D ahaha
I do need a Joey lol

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I agree Gregg Sulkin is one of the HOTTEST people in this world =)
I'm scared of the Dark too. But my imaginary friend, Joey, says it's okay.
You need a Joey in your life :D
My Suprcool Stationary and Reading Books are all pefect on my bookcase.
My Bed, and everything surrounding my bookcase,....not so much :/
Thanks for being somewhat like me, except the IQ thing.
I'm not dumb, but not THAT smart :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wow :) some of this was very heavy, while others were incredible! (you have an IQ of 142!?!) lol anyway, thanks for sharing your secrets!

xoxo Caitlyn xoxo

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow!! I love this, I could really see you in this poems. I wrote a poem like this except it wasn't about my secrets because I am an open book everyone knows everything there is to know about me. But I wrote it about me and I came up with the clever title of ME hahaha I really like this though. And thanks for sharing your secrets!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on November 15, 2010
Last Updated on November 15, 2010



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