That Old Broken Dansette & Other Musings

That Old Broken Dansette & Other Musings

A Poem by Neville

That Old Broken Dansette & Other Musings


Today, of all days, I wonder

do you ever remember

those two, forget-me-not blue

cotton squares

that you took from your

grandmothers quilt, without

asking ..

Those you placed over the tear

in each knee, of my 501’s ..

Well I do,

and I also recall, each stitch that

you sewed ..

And how I marvelled at the

speed of your fingers

and the neatness of crosses

that you placed there in rows ..

Even now they

remind me of kisses, like those

I would place on

each lid, of your almond shaped

eyes, while you lay

dreaming, the best part of those

long Sunday mornings away ..

And don’t you

think it amazing, how we then

managed to learn every word

of both Cohen and Dylan by

repeatedly playing

each of their records, on an old

broken Dansette,

we found in a skip, somewhere

back in the day ..

Oh’ and believe me, my darling

but I would be lying

if I denied, ever wondering, if you

ever wondered ..

Like I do, whatever happened to

that thing ..

And, to the two of us, by the way ..



© 2022 Neville

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You really have put the penny on the stylus arm of this one me old mate. And the splash patches I sported but didn't understand. Oh the memories of a old hippy.
First LP played was The Big Country soundtrack. Cool,eh? Or not. Wonderful memory writing.
By the way, the patch I didn't understand was a Kitten in a wine glass and the legend Happiness is a tight P****y. Perhaps you can explain it to me?

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

Thanks Ken, sorry I have no idea, my patches were mainly Laura Ashley with the odd bit of co.. read more
Ken Simm.

5 Months Ago

It eventually didn't matter anyway as I set fire to it whilst I was wearing said jeans with a certai.. read more


Beautiful moments dancing in time, absolutely love this Neville!

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Months Ago

I am somewhat uncharacteristically, lost for words my friend .. and no kidding .. thank you .. read more
Beautiful honestly nothing like anything I could write. I love this thank you for sharing.
~ K

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Months Ago

I am delighted and honoured that you listened and I subsequently thank you more than you mig.. read more
DarkArtz 0703

4 Months Ago

It's hard not to hear words that hit the heart like this.
~ K

4 Months Ago

thank you my friend .. you are way too kind tho; N.
Your perfect opening and showing us little sweet moments remembered by you…years back, with the sewing, the record player and then wondering what happened those treasures? Then the end turns romantic …were you wondering alone? Or was there an important person wondering with you?
Very finely created Neville…..
Warmly, B

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

How very kind you are Betty .. Many warm thank you's are heading your way .. Neville
.. read more
This poem is incredibly intimate; the nostalgia is palpable. What a gorgeous read.

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

to put it bluntly and briefly, I am delighted you finally alighted .. many thankyou's Poetes.. read more
Neville the slow romantic build in this poem leads to the bitter sweet ending in metaphor grand. This last hook lodged in my heart and left me mulling over past memories. So well done Kudos

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

I am well n truly honoured that you look so favourably upon my little scribble Soren .. many.. read more
Oh my gosh, the ending though...
I've often wondered the same of my own loves.
What happened. 💛

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

who knows, not me and if I did, I would keep mum .. after all a gentleman never does .. does.. read more
in the 60's i came into possession of a home made stereo system .. the turn table was boxed in unfinished plywood as were the two speakers .. i have no recollection of how i got it nor what became of it .. not the women who came and went back then .. great poetry Nev! your gifts are in full bloom .. the almost flippant sarcasm in closing really hit home to me .. all the memories of patches, sewing and the Dansette hooked me good ... great job says i! we fell in love and put on the tunes and when the end occurred .. we still put on the tunes ;)

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

Bless you BIG TIME E .. and yes, we still do .. :) N.
You really have put the penny on the stylus arm of this one me old mate. And the splash patches I sported but didn't understand. Oh the memories of a old hippy.
First LP played was The Big Country soundtrack. Cool,eh? Or not. Wonderful memory writing.
By the way, the patch I didn't understand was a Kitten in a wine glass and the legend Happiness is a tight P****y. Perhaps you can explain it to me?

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

Thanks Ken, sorry I have no idea, my patches were mainly Laura Ashley with the odd bit of co.. read more
Ken Simm.

5 Months Ago

It eventually didn't matter anyway as I set fire to it whilst I was wearing said jeans with a certai.. read more
You bring this story to life. Beautiful work.

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

How very kind Thomas, thank you .. Neville
Ah! The old Dassett, eh? My big sis had one and we used to sneak in and play it.
And I too remember a lovely in the long ago sewing a patch on the knee of my jeans. Okay, it was from a pair of her own 501's, that had succumbed to that oft told tale, overpatcheritis!
I kept wearing those long after she came to her senses and jogged on.....Well, sprinted more like!
I plated my very first bought and paid for record on that dansettee. And it was a pretty cool first record to buy. Going underground by the Jam.....And believe me, I've checked. My first record wasn't a Smurfs album, because my mum bought me that one!
Effortlessly excellent, as always Sir. Thanks for the memories and musings. ☺

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

mine was an Olivia Newton John album .. if I remember correctly, I had a thing about kangaro.. read more

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11 Reviews
Added on July 31, 2022
Last Updated on July 31, 2022



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